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Ramzy Baroud
By Ramzy Baroud - Feb 28,2024
Left to its own devices, Israel would never grant Palestinians their freedom.In the past, some, whether ignorantly or not, claimed that peace in Palestine can only be achieved through “unconditional negotiations”.This mantra was also championed by Israeli prime minister Benjamin
By Ramzy Baroud - Feb 20,2024
The problem is not the absence of a Palestinian state, but Zionism itself.What is the use of a Palestinian state, if Zionism, as a racist, exclusivist ideology continues to define Israel, and impose that definition on the Palestinians?This ideology calls for racial purity of Jews
By Ramzy Baroud - Feb 14,2024
On February 8, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was in Washington on an official visit, aimed at working jointly with the United States to make “sure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself”.If such a statement was made soon after the Al Aqsa Flood Operation of October 7, one
By Ramzy Baroud - Feb 07,2024
It seemed strange, if not out of context, when Israeli politician Moshe Feiglin told Arutz Sheva-Israel National News that “Muslims are not afraid of us anymore”.Feiglin’s comments were made on October 25, less than three weeks following the Palestinian Al Aqsa Flood operation an
By Ramzy Baroud - Jan 30,2024
Europe stayed silent when Israel began pounding the besieged Gaza Strip with the kind of ferocity that could only lead to a genocide.
By Ramzy Baroud - Jan 23,2024
If what is currently happening in the occupied Palestinian West Bank took place before October 7, our attention would have been completely fixated on that region in Palestine. The ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza, however, has devalued the important, if not earth-shattering
By Ramzy Baroud - Jan 16,2024
Law number one in the ‘law of holes’, is that “if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging”.
By Ramzy Baroud - Jan 09,2024
Thousands of miles separate Uganda and Congo from the Gaza Strip, but these places are connected to Palestine in ways that traditional geopolitical analyses would fail to explain.On January 3, it was revealed that the far-right Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu is actively
By Ramzy Baroud - Jan 03,2024
A famous quote by Franz Kafka says, “Every thing you love is very likely to be lost, but in the end, love will return in a different way.”The same principle, I believe, applies to any other powerful feeling, including resentment, hate, anger, even rage.American officials should k
By Ramzy Baroud - Dec 20,2023
When Zionist militias, using advanced Western arms, conquered historic Palestine in 1947-48, they expressed their victory through the deliberate humiliation of Palestinians.Much of that humiliation targeted women, in particular, knowing how the dishonour of Palestinian females re



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