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By Editorial - Sep 08,2015
News that Russia is building up its military presence in Syria is sounding the alarm not only in Washington but in other Western capitals and capitals of countries of the region as well.US Secretary of State John Kerry reacted quickly, calling his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavr
By Editorial - Sep 07,2015
Malaysia’s efforts to modernise were not easy; they met resistance and obstacles, but with determination and the cooperation of all segments of society, including ethnic groups that were at loggerheads almost half a century ago, this Southeast Asian country managed to achieve gre
By Editorial - Sep 06,2015
Royal family members are entitled to express their personal views like any Jordanian citizen.People in the country and abroad have to realise this fact, and it was in this context that the Royal Court issued a statement on Saturday clarifying the issue.At the present time, almost
By Editorial - Sep 05,2015
The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) issued a new warning in a recent report on the impact of conflicts on the education in six countries and territories in the Middle East, announcing that more than 13 million children are being denied even basic education and that the hopes of a gen
By Editorial - Sep 03,2015
According to a recent UN report prepared by the UN Conference on Trade and Development, at the rate things are going, Gaza could become “uninhabitable” and “unlivable” within five years.“The social, health and security-related ramifications of the high population density and over
By Editorial - Sep 02,2015
Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour unveiled the new elections law on Monday, announcing that the controversial one-man, one-vote system, used for decades, has been abolished, replaced by an at-large voting system whereby all candidates can run for Parliament on one large multi-member
By Editorial - Sep 01,2015
Jordan ranks first among Arab countries and 78th  globally in the Human Freedom Index for this year, according to a report issued by the US-based Cato Institute, Canada’s Fraser Institute and Germany’s Liberales Institut at the Friedrich Naumann  Foundation for Freedom.
By Editorial - Aug 31,2015
The migrant crisis arching the Middle East, Africa and Europe has been described as the worst since World War II; nearly 300,000 people from Africa and the Middle East crossed sea and land into Europe this year alone.Thousands perished during the arduous trek in search of safety
By Editorial - Aug 30,2015
The new scholastic year is just about to begin; it is the time of the year when one is reminded that there are still things to be done, both by the government and by the public, to make this a more successful school year than the previous.His Majesty King Abdullah personally inte
By Editorial - Aug 29,2015
Tougher penalties are now being served to individuals found guilty of practising “festive firing”, a move that should have been made long ago to stem a custom that is annoying at its best and outright deadly at its worst.Used mainly to celebrate weddings and graduations, festive



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