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Never a dull moment

Jul 30,2016 - Last updated at Jul 30,2016

There is never a dull moment in the US presidential elections. The latest one is related to the hacked e-mails of the Democratic National Committtee (DNC). 

The leaked exchanges allegedly show that the DNC sought to undermine the political fortunes of Bernie Sanders, the other Democratic Party candidate who was running against front-runner Hillary Clinton until he bowed out a few weeks ago.

The bombshell that exploded with the leaked e-mails is twofold: First, it is being said that the Russians hacked the e-mails of the DNC to compromise Clinton’s chances in the November presidential elections in favour of her Republican rival Donald Trump.

It seems that Moscow would be more comfortable with Trump presumably because he wants his country to disengage from international affairs and leave the field wide open to Moscow, weakening US commitment to NATO and endorsing the Russian perspective on Iraq, Syria and Libya.

Russian President Vladimir Putin was quoted more than once as heaping praise on Trump, and the US billionaire has never failed to express admiration for the Russian leader.

Most recently, President Barack Obama has lent credence to the notion that Moscow could be behind the efforts to undermine Clinton in her bid to become the next US president, citing Putin’s expression of support for Trump and the Republican’s own expressions of admiration for Putin.

For Russia to go that far in championing Trump may end up becoming a kiss of death for the Republican candidate.

The second dimension was the revelation that the DNC was spreading rumours that Sanders is an atheist, something that will not go to well with the majority of the US people on both sides of the fence.

To call Sanders an atheist is a sure way of removing him from the presidential race in his country.

The chairperson of the DNC has stepped down in a desperate effort to contain the damage that has already ensued from the leaked e-mails.

Obviously, the twists and turns in the US presidential elections, which are already nasty and ugly, are expected to continue until election day.


Only one candidate will win the election, and the international community will finally be rid of this acrimonious race, come November.

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