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Joseph E. Stiglitz
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Sep 29,2020
NEW YORK — For a while in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were high hopes for a V-shaped recovery.
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Sep 16,2020
NEW YORK — Julia Jackson, the mother of Jacob Blake, a young black man from Kenosha, Wisconsin, who was shot seven times in the back by police, got it right when she said, “America is great when we behave greatly.” Sadly, for the past four years, President Donald Trump has been l
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Jul 04,2020
NEW YORK —  Although it seems like ancient history, it has not been that long since economies around the world began to close down in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Jan 18,2020
NEW YORK — As the world’s business elites trek to Davos for their annual gathering, people should be asking a simple question: Have they overcome their infatuation with US President Donald Trump?Two years ago, a few rare corporate leaders were concerned about climate change, or u
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Dec 10,2019
NEW YORK — It is clear: We are living beyond our planet’s limits. Unless we change something, the consequences will be dire.
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Nov 05,2019
NEW YORK — At the end of the Cold War, political scientist Francis Fukuyama wrote a celebrated essay called “The End of History?” Communism’s collapse, he argued, would clear the last obstacle separating the entire world from its destiny of liberal democracy and market
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Aug 28,2019
NEW YORK — For four decades, the prevailing doctrine in the United States has been that corporations should maximise shareholder value, meaning profits and share prices, here and now, come what may, regardless of the consequences to workers, customers, suppliers and communities.
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Aug 14,2019
NEW YORK — In the new world wrought by US President Donald Trump, where one shock follows another, there is never time to think through fully the implications of the events with which we are bombarded.
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Jul 05,2019
NEW YORK — Facebook and some of its corporate allies have decided that what the world really needs is another cryptocurrency, and that launching one is the best way to use the vast talents at their disposal.
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Apr 23,2019
NEW YORK — Kirstjen Nielsen’s forced resignation as the US secretary of homeland security is no reason to celebrate. Yes, she presided over the forced separation of families at the US border, notoriously housing young children in wire cages.
