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Joseph E. Stiglitz
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Feb 26,2023
NEW YORK — The Republican Party has long wrapped itself in the American flag, claiming to be the defender of “freedom”. The GOP believes individuals should be free to carry firearms, spew hate speech, and eschew vaccines and face masks.
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Jan 30,2023
NEW YORK — Despite favourable indices, it is too soon to tell whether inflation has been tamed.
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Dec 12,2022
NEW YORK — Central banks’ unwavering determination to increase interest rates is truly remarkable. In the name of taming inflation, they have deliberately set themselves on a path to cause a recession, or to worsen it if it comes anyway.
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Dec 10,2022
NEW YORK — The world heaved a sigh of relief this month when the feared “red wave” of Republican victories in the US midterms failed to materialise. While the Republicans took the House of Representatives by a narrow margin, the Democrats held on to the Senate.
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Oct 18,2022
NEW YORK — Politically, the G-7 and likeminded countries around the world have adopted a war footing to stop Russian aggression.
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Aug 25,2022
NEW YORK — US Senate Democrats’ compromise bill, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022, addresses not just inflation but also several key longstanding problems facing our economy and society.There is a simmering debate about the causes of today’s inflation; but regardless of
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Jun 20,2022
NEW YORK — The United States appears to have entered a new cold war with both China and Russia.
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Jun 01,2022
DAVOS — The World Economic Forum’s first meeting in more than two years was markedly different from the many previous Davos conferences that I have attended since 1995.
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Apr 06,2022
NEW YORK — The fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has reminded us of the unforeseeable disruptions constantly confronting the global economy. We have been taught this lesson many times.
By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Feb 09,2022
NEW YORK — Although some supply shortages were anticipated as the global economy reopened after the COVID-19 lockdowns, they have proved more pervasive and less transitory than had been hoped.