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Jonathan Power
By Jonathan Power - Feb 06,2014
On Saturday, Libya beat Ghana to win the African Nations Football Championship.
A return to normalcy?
To win, a team must have a first-class pitch and a non-stressed out team.
By Jonathan Power - Jan 30,2014
The Western press doesn’t understand Ukraine. That is clear after weeks of reporting the demonstrations.
We are given the absolutely minimal background on the history and culture of Ukraine.
By Jonathan Power - Jan 23,2014
The West, the US especially, has got itself into a fretful mood over the rise of China. Quite unnecessarily so.
The Chinese growth rate is slowing.
By Jonathan Power - Jan 17,2014
The Middle East has been living a nightmare, partly because of a man of Russian origin who became Israel’s greatest general and, later, prime minister: Ariel Sharon.
What were the inner thoughts of this man?
This is what Amos Oz, an acclaimed Israeli journalist, writer an
By Jonathan Power - Jan 09,2014
Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine who lived between 460 and 357 BC, concluded that diseases were naturally caused and were cured by natural remedies.
Opium, he wrote, was one of the latter.