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Fares Braizat
By Fares Braizat - Sep 08,2018
Jordan has been a beneficiary of economic and military aid since its inception. Although aid currently constitutes around 10 per cent of its budget, the country has received disproportionate attention because of implicit and explicit conditionality associated with it.
By Fares Braizat - Sep 01,2018
Jordanian public opinion perceives the US as the most influential country in Jordan as 77 per cent of surveyed adult Jordanians reported, followed by Saudi Arabia (KSA) and UK 58 per cent each. This perceived influence is not coming out of the blue.
By Fares Braizat - Aug 25,2018
Politicians are perceived to be the most corrupt group in Jordan. In the latest wave of the World Values Survey conducted and coordinated by NAMA in a few Arab countries, 68 per cent of adult Jordanian citizens reported that politicians are corrupt.
By Fares Braizat - Aug 19,2018
For decades, the national goal of Jordan was national survival in a turbulent region and an ever changing regional and global order. Approaching a century of state age proved beyond doubt that survival has been established at a considerable political and economic cost.
By Fares Braizat - Aug 12,2018
Against the backdrop of declining confidence in successive governments’ ability to respond satisfactorily to citizens’ priorities, it is essential to revisit the paths that took us all there in order to design, plan, execute and evaluate new approaches to reverse the trend for th
By Fares Braizat - Jul 29,2018
Inequalities are deeply seated feeders of publically expressed and hidden societal and individual grievances. The growing sense of inequality among citizens of Jordan is alarming. It has increased significantly over the past 20 years.
By Fares Braizat - Jul 21,2018
The two incidents which took place on Thursday, July 19th (mothers demanding public amnesty and an attempted suicide under the Dome of the House), to which Prime Minister Omar Razzaz acted humanely and swiftly driven by his well-known decency, humanity and modesty, shed light on
By Fares Braizat - Jul 14,2018
A social contract is meant to address channels of governance between the governed and the governing. In any polity, the constitution is “the” ultimate social contract that can be supplemented by “a” sub-social contract or a series of them.
By Fares Braizat - Jul 01,2017
In a survey conducted by Pew Research Centre in March 2017 and published last week, Jordanians were reported to have the highest (82 per cent) unfavourable views of the US, among the 37 nations surveyed across the globe.When examined further, a rather contrary reality is uncovere