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Daoud Kuttab
By Daoud Kuttab - Oct 22,2015
The question asked by political leaders and pundits is how to end the current wave of violence in Jerusalem and the rest of the occupied territories.As in any conflict resolution effort, one needs to look at the root of the problem that caused this wave of anger that cause people
By Daoud Kuttab - Oct 14,2015
As Israel and its main ally the US are denouncing the “terrorist” acts against Israelis, very little is being said about what Palestinians describe as summary executions of individuals who do not pose a life-threatening danger.It is unclear why Israel has yet to begin an investig
By Daoud Kuttab - Oct 07,2015
The escalating violence in Palestine is producing a multitude of commentary and reactions, but few are able to answer simple questions like what is the direction of the tension, what is the end game and what do people expect.There is no doubt that the absence of a national agreed
By Daoud Kuttab - Sep 30,2015
In his plan to counter what he called khawarej (the outlaws) of Islam, His Majesty King Abdullah gave prominence to the role of communication in the battle for the heart soul and mind.Item four of the seven-point plan the King laid out at the UN General Assembly Monday talked abo
By Daoud Kuttab - Sep 16,2015
His Majesty King Abdullah was correct in calling what was happening in Jerusalem this week a provocation.
By Daoud Kuttab - Sep 09,2015
Unless one is a news junky and follows all local news religiously, one probably missed three important issues related to the media freedoms in Jordan.They include the three main media stakeholders, the government, media owners and the public.
By Daoud Kuttab - Sep 02,2015
Mahmoud Abbas holds many titles. He is the head of the Fateh movement, chairman of the PLO’s executive committee and president of the state of Palestine.Technically and legally, the Palestine Liberation Organisation is superior.
By Daoud Kuttab - Aug 26,2015
The independence of the three branches of the state is the bedrock of democracy.
By Daoud Kuttab - Aug 19,2015
The decades-old conflict with Israel and the aftereffects of the Israeli occupation of what was Jordanian land in the West Bank continue to be a source of hardships and problems for individuals and businesspeople on both sides of the Jordan River.Attempts to resolve the many prob
By Daoud Kuttab - Aug 12,2015
Contrary to the claims of Israel and US Republicans, the P5+1 agreement with Iran has eased, not exacerbated, the boiling conflicts in the Middle East.Within a short period of time, a silver lining is appearing in the bloody Syrian civil war.