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By Mikhail Gorbachev - Aug 05, 2014 - Last updated at Aug 05, 2014 22:31
In May, Vietnam became the 35th and decisive signatory of the 1997 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of Inte ...
By Anders Levermann - Aug 03, 2014 - Last updated at Aug 03, 2014 22:35
Recent satellite observations have confirmed the accuracy of two independent computer simulations that show that the West Antarctic ice shee ...
By Ahmad Al-Nawafleh - Jul 26, 2014 - Last updated at Jul 26, 2014 23:05
If you think unemployment is bad amongst university graduates, try looking at recent nursing graduates in Jordan! Back when I finished my m ...
By Carl Benedikt Frey - Jul 24, 2014 - Last updated at Jul 24, 2014 23:18
Throughout history, technological progress has created enormous wealth but also caused great disruption. ...
By Martin Kenney - Jul 24, 2014 - Last updated at Jul 24, 2014 00:01
In a recent letter to US President Barack Obama, the CEO of Cisco Systems, John Chambers, requested that the National Security Agency stop i ...
By Alejandro Litovsky - Jul 20, 2014 - Last updated at Jul 20, 2014 23:36
The proclamation of a new Cold War, following Russia’s annexation of Crimea, turned out to be alarmist and premature. ...
By Nick Witney - Jul 18, 2014 - Last updated at Jul 18, 2014 00:18
In the run-up to last December’s European Union defence summit, British General Nick Houghton warned that the United Kingdom’s a ...
By Cole Bunzel - Jul 18, 2014 - Last updated at Jul 18, 2014 00:15
The recent declaration of a caliphate by the militant group the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is an unprecedented event in modern t ...
By Fabrizio Tassinari - Jul 12, 2014 - Last updated at Jul 12, 2014 23:06
Watching Italian football fans last month, one might have thought that a World Cup victory was the country’s most important opportunit ...
By Merkhat Sharipzhan - Jul 09, 2014 - Last updated at Jul 09, 2014 22:56
Three former Soviet republics — Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine — have now signed association agreements with the European Union, d ...



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