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By Nael Raja Kabariti - Sep 06, 2014 - Last updated at Sep 06, 2014 21:44
At the beginning of the 1960s, as a young man, I took my first flight from Amman to Cairo. ...
By Konrad Niklewicz - Sep 01, 2014 - Last updated at Sep 01, 2014 22:20
August 30, 2014, may be remembered as the day when the division of the European Union into “new” and “old” member st ...
By Francis Nang’ayo - Aug 26, 2014 - Last updated at Aug 26, 2014 22:00
Kenya’s ban on imports of genetically modified (GM) crops reflects a troubling trend in a country traditionally seen as an agricultura ...
By Thorsten Benner - Aug 23, 2014 - Last updated at Aug 23, 2014 22:00
In April, when German Chancellor Angel Merkel congratulated Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on his reelection, she let it be kn ...
By Didier Burkhalter - Aug 21, 2014 - Last updated at Aug 21, 2014 22:22
150 years ago to the day, the first Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the F ...
By Maria Spiropulu - Aug 13, 2014 - Last updated at Aug 13, 2014 22:30
Almost a century ago, the first galaxy beyond our own was discovered, and within a decade the theory that the universe is expanding was firs ...
By César Gamboa - Aug 13, 2014 - Last updated at Aug 13, 2014 22:29
You may know Peru as the cradle of Incan civilisation. Or you may have tasted its outstanding cuisine. ...
By John S. Katzman - Aug 13, 2014 - Last updated at Aug 13, 2014 22:27
Capitalism has produced many high-quality products and services, from smartphones to high-speed transport and compelling entertainment. Yet ...
By William Burke-White - Aug 11, 2014 - Last updated at Aug 11, 2014 23:00
US President Barack Obama called the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 an “outrage of unspeakable proportions”, whereas Rus ...
By Anis F. Kassim - Aug 09, 2014 - Last updated at Aug 09, 2014 23:07
The type, character and magnitude of the holocaust against the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip is being labelled by Israel as an act of self- ...



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