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Learning from the wise

Apr 06,2016 - Last updated at Apr 06,2016

His Majesty King Abdullah’s talks on Tuesday with visiting Speaker of the US House of Representatives Paul Ryan and the accompanying US congressional delegation from both Republican and Democratic parties informed US officials of the challenges Jordan is facing, most prominent among them terrorism, radicalism and the simmering conflicts in the region.

Much is said, no doubt, about the dangers and conflicts in the area, including the Palestinian situation, but that is no substitute for first-hand information and assessment the US delegation could get from direct contact and discussions with the King, whose judgement and views on regional issues are highly appreciated worldwide.

The US delegation also met with the prime minister and with the minister of foreign affairs.

Ryan is no doubt an important political figure in Washington and a rising star in the US political landscape, and as a holder of the third most important political post in the US federal government, he is a person of influence.

Apprising him of the intricacies of the region’s issues could be a good way of informing the US public, or at least some in the administration.

The King warned that in the absence of solutions to the major flashpoints in the region, more terrorism and tension worldwide can be expected.

Informing Ryan and his delegation of the problems and threats in the region is one way of hoping that they will be better understood and appreciated in the US, especially now when the country is on the verge of holding the important presidential election.

Helping contenders to the White House become more familiar with the causes and nature of regional problems, be they political, economic or related to security, is very important.

At the same time, the international community should constantly be reminded of the burden Jordan is assuming on its behalf by providing shelter to about 1.3 million Syrian refugees.

The Kingdom’s humanitarian stand calls for more appreciation, not only in words but also in deeds.

Not least understood and appreciated should be the critical role Jordan plays in maintaining peace and stability in this region engulfed in wars, fighting and crises.


Hopefully the presidential contenders will be briefed on the issues plaguing the region and gain better insight that should inform their talk about the Middle East.

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