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Happiness due to safety, security

Mar 14,2024 - Last updated at Mar 14,2024

Safety and security are crucial factors that can significantly contribute to higher level of happiness within a country.  In countries with lower crime rates and effective law enforcement, such as that in Jordan, citizens experience less fear of crime and violence. This reduction in fear and anxiety contributes to a greater sense of well-being and happiness and elevates a country on the World Happiness Index.

Feeling safe while going about daily activities, such as walking alone at night or using public transportation, enhances individuals’ overall quality of life and hence happiness. Of course, other factors are involved in the ranking of happiness, for example Finland, being number one on the World Happiness Index 2023, is known for its strong social welfare system, high levels of trust in institutions, low crime rates and overall safety.

Countries with trustworthy institutions, including police, judiciary and government agencies, foster a sense of confidence among citizens. When people believe that these institutions uphold their safety and rights, they experience higher levels of happiness. Denmark, number two on the World Happiness Index 2023, is another country that frequently ranks near the top of global happiness rankings. Like Finland, Denmark boasts a strong social welfare system, low levels of corruption, and high levels of trust in government and institutions. The country’s focus on work-life balance, quality healthcare and education also contributes to a sense of security and contentment among its citizens.

Citizens of countries with safer environments can engage in activities they enjoy, such as outdoor recreation and leisure, without fearing for their safety. Iceland, number three on the World Happiness Index 2023, is renowned for its strong social cohesion, low crime rates, high levels of social support, effective governance, and a strong sense of community. Iceland’s emphasis on environmental sustainability and gender equality further enhances its residents’ overall well-being and happiness.

A safe and secure environment attracts foreign investment and promotes economic growth. Higher economic opportunities and stability often lead to improved living conditions and, consequently, higher levels of happiness. Switzerland, ranked number four on the World Happiness Index 2023, its reputation as a safe haven for wealth preservation and financial stability has also led to significant inflows of foreign capital, particularly in the banking and finance sectors. The country’s strong rule of law, respect for property rights, and political neutrality further enhance its appeal as a destination for international investment. Switzerland is known for its high standard of living, low crime rates and efficient public services. 

A safe environment is especially important for the well-being and development of children. Children raised in safe and secure surroundings are more likely to grow up with a positive outlook and emotional well-being. Sweden, number seven on the index, prioritises child health and well-being through comprehensive healthcare services and preventive care programmes. Children have access to regular check-ups, vaccinations, and screenings, helping to promote their physical and mental health from an early age.

Safety and security also promote social cohesion by creating an environment where people can interact, trust one another, and engage in communal activities. Strong social bonds contribute to happiness by providing a support system and a sense of belonging. Norway, number eight on the World Happiness Index 2023, frequently tops global happiness rankings, thanks in part to its robust social welfare system, high levels of income equality and strong sense of social trust. Norway’s focus on providing universal healthcare, quality education and ample social support contributes to a sense of security and stability among its population.

Safety is closely tied to physical and mental health. Residents of safe countries are less likely to experience stress-related health issues. When people feel secure about their future and that of their families, they can focus on long-term planning and personal growth. This sense of stability contributes to happiness by reducing uncertainty. The sense of safety and security in Canada (number 15 on the index) contributes to lower levels of stress among its residents. Canadians generally feel safe in their communities and have confidence in their healthcare system, which provides comprehensive coverage for essential medical services through a publicly funded healthcare system known as Medicare.

Countries known for safety and security attract tourism and cultural exchanges. These interactions can lead to greater exposure to different cultures and ideas, contributing to residents’ happiness through enriched experiences. For example, tourists are drawn to Germany for its rich history, diverse culture and stunning landscapes. From vibrant cities like Berlin and Munich to picturesque villages along the Rhine River, Germany offers a wide range of attractions and experiences for visitors to enjoy. Germany’s emphasis on cultural exchanges was evident in its willingness to accept Syrian refugees, and in its active NGO`s spread around the world, particularly in developing countries, such as FES, FNF and HBS.

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