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Constructive criticism helps improve performance

Aug 21,2016 - Last updated at Aug 21,2016

The never-ending crises and the presence of security risks in the Middle East over the last six years put a lot of stress on internal security services across the region. 

Jordan, in particular, continues to face extraordinary internal security challenges from the fall of Iraq in 2003, and the Syrian crisis has only increased the pressure and strain on the Jordanian security system.

With no end to these challenges in sight, the load and pressure is only going to increase and, given the dynamic nature of the situation, could evolve and change at any time.

With the security services on full alert 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the pressure on the system and individual personnel can impact performance and the capacity to cope and respond to the increasing levels of crime and the heightened risk of terrorism.

Without advocating any policy, it is important to acknowledge that under this kind of pressure, mistakes might be made. 

It is also important to acknowledge that individuals who are putting themselves in harm’s way to protect our society are doing their best in an extremely difficult situation.

Individual mistakes are not necessarily the result of incompetence, nor are they indicative of a fault in the system.

While the system should, and does, learn from its mistakes to identify ways to improve the system and maintain our safety, security is not the only challenge Jordan is currently facing. 

There are also huge political challenges, which include protecting, strengthening and improving Jordanian institutions to face down these challenges during a turbulent time in the region.

Security is clearly the priority of most countries in the region at the moment, and in Jordan, the security and military establishments have played and continue to play a key role in maintaining internal peace.

We must acknowledge the effort and the successes, we must be careful to focus on constructive criticism, which strengthens our country in the face of those that seek to destroy our system.

We must focus on improving the system rather than seeking revenge.

Mistakes do not diminish the successes of our system in maintaining security, and they must not be used to characterise the institutions that are integral to our continued way of life.

When mistakes are made, there should be a pragmatic approach to identify whether there is a need to improve our system, and we must recognise when it is simply human error, made because of the pressure. 

We are in a crisis, and while punishment may make us feel better temporarily, it does not necessarily make us stronger, nor does it make us safer.

We must learn from mistakes, wherever we can, to make our system stronger. 

And we must also remember that our institutions are the very system that are keeping us safe, and it is in everyone’s interest to protect them and make them stronger.

Attacking our own institutions for their mistakes, or even their limitations, is not in our interest. In fact, it is in our enemies’ interest to do so.

There have been many reports of mistakes and scandals in international security systems.

We must distinguish between human error, systems under intense strain and actual broken institutions.

Our priority must be to fix the underlying problem, improve and strengthen our institutions and support them in maintaining our safety. Surely that is the ultimate goal and measure of success.



[email protected]

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