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Christian pilgrimage delegation from France visits Kingdom

By JT - Jan 24,2022 - Last updated at Jan 24,2022

AMMAN —  A Christian pilgrimage delegation from France on Monday concluded their tour in the Kingdom upon an invitation from the Jordan Tourism Board (JTB). The delegates visited several archaeological sites and held meetings with various sectors in the Kingdom, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported.

The delegates visited Jerash, Mar Elias site and Mount Nebo. Tourism Minister Nayef Fayez met with the delegates and expressed appreciation for choosing Jordan as a main tourist destination. Fayez also spoke about popes' visit to Jordan, the first of which was in 1964 and was followed by other visits in 2000, 2009, and 2014, which all encouraged Christians from around the world to visit Jordan and its Christian holy sites. 


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