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Jim O'Neill
By Jim O'Neill - Dec 19,2023
LONDON — As 2023 draws to a close, there are many known unknowns, especially on the geopolitical front, and presumably as many unknown unknowns lurking on the horizon. Producing any forecast for the global economy is thus more difficult than usual.
By Jim O'Neill - Sep 14,2023
LONDON – Following the recent summit of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), where the group agreed to add six new members, I argued that neither it nor the G7 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States – plu
By Jim O'Neill - Aug 26,2023
LONDON — When I coined the BRIC acronym back in 2001, my primary point was that global governance would need to adjust to incorporate the world’s largest emerging economies.
By Jim O'Neill - Jul 25,2023
LONDON — Hardly a week goes by without various pioneers in artificial intelligence issuing dire warnings about the technology that they introduced to the world.
By Jim O'Neill - Jul 24,2023
LONDON — Given all the uncertainty in the world economy today, we have been reminded that for all the authority economics commands, it is still a social science.
By Jim O'Neill - Jul 08,2023
LONDON — Russia’s war in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping’s meeting in Moscow, and China’s apparent success in brokering a diplomatic rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia have fuelled renewed chatter about threats to the global primacy of the United States, and parti
By Jim O'Neill - May 18,2023
LONDON — During my lengthy career in finance, I picked up several market heuristics that have generally proven more useful than not.
By Jim O'Neill - Mar 14,2023
LONDON — In January, I expressed optimism that a recession across the Western world (and beyond) was becoming less likely, and high-frequency indicators since then have indeed supported a benign outlook.
By Jim O'Neill - Feb 08,2023
LONDON — As if conditions were not gloomy enough in the United Kingdom, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently downgraded the country’s growth forecast even as it offered a brighter outlook for the rest of the world. This was an odd and rather audacious move.
By Jim O'Neill - Jan 15,2023
LONDON — Although it has been almost a decade since I gave up a full-time job in finance, markets, and market oddities, still fascinate me, especially when they send signals that run against a widely held consensus among analysts and investors.
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