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James J. Zogby
By James J. Zogby - Jun 20,2016
We woke up last Sunday morning to news of the senseless slaughter of 49 innocent people at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida.Because many of the victims were gay, it appeared that that was a hate crime.It was not long before the killer was identified as Omar Mateen, the American-bo
By James J. Zogby - Jun 13,2016
Recent Trump outrages have thrown the GOP establishment into a tizzy.Reactions have been varied, ranging from a few brave souls who denounced their nominee’s bigotry to those who continue to hope against hope that Trump will begin to behave more “presidential”.Ignored in all this
By James J. Zogby - Jun 06,2016
I was not going to write about this subject, but something happened yesterday over lunch that prompted me to reconsider.I was having a peaceful meal with my wife when two men sat down in the next booth.
By James J. Zogby - May 30,2016
There is a Sanders phenomenon. It is real, and the factors that have prompted its emergence need to addressed and understood.When this year’s presidential primary began, many dismissed the Democratic Party contest as a “done deal”.
By James J. Zogby - May 23,2016
For weeks now, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been engaged in public negotiations designed to bring Isaac Herzog, chair of the “centrist” Zionist Union bloc, into his coalition government.And then, out of the blue, Netanyahu did a complete reversal, dropping Herzog
By James J. Zogby - May 16,2016
Christians in the Levant, especially those in Syria, Iraq and Palestine, are facing grave challenges that are either misunderstood or ignored in the West.In recent years, protecting them, or even acknowledging their existence, has only been a concern of policymakers or advoc
By James J. Zogby - May 09,2016
In some of my writings, I observed the way the US has, for centuries, absorbed countless waves of immigrants from many continents, transforming them, in short order, into Americans — comparing this to the situation in Europe, which does not, as a rule, provide the same opportunit
By James J. Zogby - May 02,2016
Earlier this month, “The Atlantic” magazine featured a cover story, “The Obama Doctrine”, written by Jeffery Goldberg.Based on the author’s many hours of interviews with President Barack Obama, the story represents an attempt to find a coherent framework with which to understand
By James J. Zogby - Apr 25,2016
Europe clearly has a problem with anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and intolerance towards new immigrants.In an effort to examine this worrisome set of concerns, the commission on which I sit as a member — the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom — recently conv
By James J. Zogby - Apr 18,2016
In 2003, while I was teaching at Davidson College in North Carolina, I saw an ad in the local newspaper announcing a “Going out of business” sale of Utica Linen products.The mill that had been making these linens was closing and relocating to Asia, where they would be able to pay
