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James J. Zogby
By James J. Zogby - Nov 05,2018
For as long as I can recall, Israelis have sought recognition and acceptance from the Arab world without reciprocity.
By James J. Zogby - Oct 29,2018
The “Trump era” has posed special challenges for Arab Americans not only in foreign and domestic policy, but also in confronting the hostile political culture which the president has nurtured.
By James J. Zogby - Oct 22,2018
This month's prize for dangerous moves and disingenuous press releases goes to the US State Department for its October 18 notice, headlined "On the Merging of US Embassy Jerusalem and US Consulate General Jerusalem".
By James J. Zogby - Oct 15,2018
US President Donald Trump's nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court exacerbated our nation's deep partisan divide. It has also profoundly affected my neighbourhood and my church.My family has lived in northwest Washington, DC for almost four decades.
By James J. Zogby - Oct 08,2018
I was provoked to write this discussion of what is and what isn't anti-Semitism by an article in Haaretz on the "controversy" created by the awarding of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to George P. Smith.
By James J. Zogby - Oct 01,2018
If we have learned anything about US President Donald Trump, it is that for him words have no meaning, or at least not their obvious meaning. Because he is a performer/salesman, he loves being on stage, knowing that the things he says will get a reaction.
By James J. Zogby - Sep 24,2018
Seth Anziska's "Preventing Palestine: A Political History from Camp David to Oslo" is a deeply insightful and profoundly disturbing book that traces the tortuous path of Middle East peacemaking during the past four decades.
By James J. Zogby - Sep 17,2018
In recent weeks, the Trump administration has taken a series of drastic punitive actions against the Palestinian people.
By James J. Zogby - Sep 10,2018
During this past week in Washington, the political ideals to which we aspire ran head-first into the reality of the people we have become.
By James J. Zogby - Sep 03,2018
First, President Donald Trump’s administration "took Jerusalem off the table".