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Daoud Kuttab
By Daoud Kuttab - Apr 16,2014
The dwindling Palestinian Christian population celebrated Palm Sunday in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and even in Gaza.
Eastern and Western Christian calendars were united this year, bringing larger numbers to the celebrations than usual.
Israel again this year issued permits for
By Daoud Kuttab - Apr 09,2014
The decision by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to sign 15 international treaties brought further proof of Israeli racist attitudes towards the Palestinians.
Public statements by senior Israeli officials, as well as commentaries and analyses by Israeli pundits show angry rea
By Daoud Kuttab - Apr 02,2014
Modern technological development has brought with it the term multitasking, a term that replaced the popular “Can you chew and walk at the same time”.
Palestinian negotiators are now facing the tough challenge of applying to join various UN agencies while, at the sam
By Daoud Kuttab - Mar 26,2014
One of the most telling signs that the Arab Spring has lost its reform steam appeared clearly in the latest meeting of Arab leaders in Kuwait.
By Daoud Kuttab - Mar 19,2014
The need for Israel and Palestine, the parties to decades long conflict, to take risks for peace are obvious and expected.
As such, US President Barack Obama’s public call on Monday on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to take risks for peace sounds hallow if not address
By Daoud Kuttab - Mar 12,2014
For 47 years the bridge connecting the West Bank with Jordan has been a source of hardships, humiliations and extremely long and unnecessary delays, not to mention cumbersome and exaggerated body and baggage searches.
By Daoud Kuttab - Mar 05,2014
Palestinians expect their leader to have the fight of his life as he goes to Washington for a tough summit with US President Barack Obama.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is expected to be facing pressure from the US to accept the framework agreement being drawn up by US Sec
By Daoud Kuttab - Feb 26,2014
Community media received a major boost in Jordan this week with the launch of the third Aswatona conference at the Dead Sea.
More than 100 community radio activists gathered at the lowest spot on Earth to talk about the challenges of producing, broadcasting and sustaining commun
By Daoud Kuttab - Feb 19,2014
Jordan succeeded this week to force the Israeli Knesset to cancel a discussion planned for Tuesday regarding Al Aqsa Mosque.
The public debate was initiated by the deputy speaker of the Israeli legislature, Moshe Feiglen, and was intended to focus on the issue of sovereignty o
By Daoud Kuttab - Feb 12,2014
The seriousness of the US-initiated framework for a possible solution to the Israeli-Palestinian problem appears to have shaken dormant relations in the region, including in Jordan.
The Palestinian-Jordanian relationship, which is experiencing its highest degree of cooperation