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What should be the solution

Nov 20,2015 - Last updated at Nov 20,2015

The Barbarians are not at the gate. There is no need for a rush to war as the French president, Francois Hollande, suggests.

The Americans did this after September 11 and raced into Afghanistan with the intention of eliminating Al Qaeda.

They failed and they are still in Afghanistan — America’s longest war ever.

They are bogged down in fighting Afghani movements, including the Taliban.

Some of the Taliban may have hosted Al Qaeda for a while, but accounts suggest they were not happy about it. They certainly are not today.

In Harvard University’s magazine “International Security” professors Alexander Downs and Jonathan Monten report that they have studied over 1,000 military interventions over many years. It is very rare that there has been success.

Bogged down. These two words should resonate in every Western (and Russian) leader’s head.

Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Libya. (Also Russia in Afghanistan and in Chechnya).

There is such a long list of failure. One is hard put to give one good reason why it should be different this time.

Think of the innocents: 200,000 civilians died in Iraq because of a war that the US and UK started.

In Paris, in comparison, 130 died. Already many more innocent people than that were killed in Syria/Iraq by US, French, Russian and Gulf states’ warplanes. And there will be tens of thousands more if the bombardment is continued.

One should be careful about conflating the issue of Bashar Assad’s civil war with the issue of Daesh.

What triggered Syria’s civil war had nothing to do with what triggered Daesh. The two began for very different reasons. 

Daesh is Al Qaeda, metastasising into a more virulent form.

Its main raison d’être is not to defeat the Shiite-supported Assad, although that would be welcome. It is to drive the Western infidel and his “stooges” in Muslim countries out of the Middle East and create its own “pure” Islamic caliphate.

It is to revenge itself upon the West for centuries of its “terrorism” — the crusades, the post World War I seizure of territory, the one-sided exploitation of oil, the creation of Israel on Islamic soil and the subsequent Israeli takeover of much of the Palestinians’ land.

Daesh’s backbone comes in the main from Iraq. They are ex-Baathist soldiers who supported Saddam Hussein who feel that the American-imposed Shiite government Iraq has discounted them.

President George W. Bush and British prime minister Tony Blair unleashed the demons that have made Daesh the formidable enemy of the West and Russia (and soon perhaps China) that it is today.

Is there an alternative way of defeating or at least containing Daesh?

There are other ways apart from war to cut Daesh down to size: making sure that funding is cut off and its leaders and supporters cannot travel, use banks or money transfer businesses.

Private donors to Daesh must be arrested. The passports of the jihadists residing in the West and Russia who have gone to fight have to be cancelled. The European and US citizenship of those who present a risk and have dual citizenship have to be taken away.

They would pay the price of never seeing their families again.

At the same time, the defensive deployment of Iraqi troops to protect the revenue-giving oil wells should be enhanced.

At the same time, the West needs to continue with its so far successful efforts to stymie terrorist activity back home.

But it must not work itself up and exaggerate its vulnerability.

Until Paris, major terrorist outrages in the West had been September 11, the bus bombing in London in 2005 and the train bombing in Madrid in 2006.

Daesh must be encircled and squeezed. The towns they occupy (Raqqa for instance, which France is now bombing) should be encouraged to empty out and their inhabitants to head for refuge in Turkey, Jordan or Iran.

Then, deny the Daesh militants, once they move into a town, food, water, phones, electricity and medical supplies.

Something not too dissimilar was carried out by the Russians in their war against Napoleon.

Muscovites were ordered to abandon the city. From that moment on, lacking fresh supplies and shelter, Napoleon’s campaign went downhill.

The refugee camps must be made more enticing. At present, they are having to cut their budgets because of the lack of funding from UN members.

Funds for food, clinics and schools in the camps have, over the last year, been seriously cut back.

If people are to leave behind their towns, work, schools and health services, they need good facilities in the refugee camps.

Within a couple of months, these new refugees should be able to go home. If the Daesh invaders have no water, food, phones, medical supplies and electricity, they will not last long.


This is what is called “lateral thinking” or “thinking outside the box”. This, indeed, is how we need to think.

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