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‘Visible promotion campaigns, now!’

Oct 01,2015 - Last updated at Oct 01,2015

Perhaps the last thing one expects to hear about in the Middle East today, considering the horrors that we are experiencing in some parts of it and the decline and fall of a number of its countries, is tourism.

But tourism, and economic development generally, is exactly what we should be talking about.

This is especially true with respect to some countries in the region that need tourism to bolster their economic status, consolidate their stability and further their development.

These countries weathered the Arab Spring storm and kept themselves intact in the face of violence or chaos. They are both secure and safe, but they suffer economically, in part because they are unfairly lumped in the “turbulent” Middle East “region”.

For tourists, safety and security are prime concerns. These days many shun the region because of images of violence, displacement and battles that are associated with it, or because of some incidents that targeted tourists and foreigners in some Middle Eastern and North African countries.

No doubt, some countries in the region are very dangerous to travel to. But many are not. In fact, many are safe and secure, more so than some Western capitals.

An effort needs to be made to make clear to the people of the world which countries are safe and which are not.

The matter should not be left to individual countries that advise their citizens where they should travel.

The safe and stable countries in the region should exert an effort to counter the negative, foggy image about them through a media or PR campaign that makes known the attractive tourism and travel options on offer.

In times of peace, several countries in the region and beyond used to advertise themselves in international media outlets. We no longer see such ads.

There is more need for them now, and for other PR campaigns, than at any other time before.

Tourists and travellers from the international community need to be kept informed and reminded about what some countries in our region offer for holidays.

Jordan is one of those stable, safe and attractive countries that have much to offer.

Beyond safety and stability, which is a major issue for tourists, Jordan has an edge when it comes to weather, friendly people, the widespread use of English and other languages, natural beauty, history and archeology, elegant restaurants and excellent food, posh and reasonably priced hotels, cheap transportation, vibrant culture, etc.

Last year, during the Eid holiday, my family and I spent our holiday in Cyprus. Our prime considerations were the weather, the scenery, the culture, good service, good food and good facilities. We had a great time.

We spent this Eid at a hotel on the shores of the Dead Sea. We had an equally great time, enjoying great weather, elegant facilities, excellent food and service and the majestic sea.

Jordan has a lot to offer as a holiday destination, and it should exert a greater effort to make this known.

We should not allow the negative image about the region to affect the country, and we should not wait until peace comes to the region to start advertising ourselves.


There is need for visible and aggressive promotion campaigns, now!

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