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British MPs affirm King’s role in promoting regional stability

By JT - Oct 30,2021 - Last updated at Oct 30,2021

A London taxi cab is driving past the Houses of Parliament in central London on September 24, 2019 (AFP photo)

AMMAN — Members of the British House of Commons affirmed Jordan’s role in promoting stability in the Middle East, expressing their “remarkable” confidence in His Majesty King Abdullah and his pivotal role in the region and the world.

In their interviews with the Jordan News Agency, Petra, on Saturday, the British MPs said His Majesty is a “key UK ally, and enjoys considerable international respect”.

David Jones, chair for the All-Party Parliamentary Jordan Group and Member of the House of Commons, said: Britain is aware of Jordan’s “pivotal” importance in the Middle East, as a “major, trusted” player in the region to lead dialogue.

Jones noted the two kingdoms’ friendship extends back 100 years. 

“I believe that the people and government of Jordan understand that Britain will be a strong supporter of Amman’s role in the Middle East,” Jones said.

The MP indicated that His Majesty enjoys remarkable international respect, as the longest serving head of state in the region, and has many years of experience.

Pointing to Jordan’s Middle East role, he said that Jordan hosts more than three million refugees, lauding the Kingdom’s efforts in receiving Syrian refugees, which has led to increased pressure on Jordan.

“London is aware that Jordan needs support, and unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to reducing the volume of aid provided by a number of countries to address the region’s refugee crisis,” he noted.

Jones affirmed continued work with a number of British MPs to encourage the British government to provide the required support for Jordan to enable it to provide services to refugees.

The Hashemite Custodianship over Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem is a stabilising factor, especially as the Israelis seek to expand settlements around Jerusalem, he pointed out.

Tom Tugendat, chairman of the Commons’ Foreign Affairs Committee, said that His Majesty is one of the UK’s most important allies, given Jordan’s role in the region and the world.

Economically speaking, Jordan is a vital country as it is a centre of stability in the Middle East, which could create “a window of opportunity for British companies to optimise Jordan as a hub in the region”, Tugendat said.

Alicia Kearns, member of the Common’s Foreign Affairs Committee, said King Abdullah is “the world’s most prominent diplomat”, stressing that “His Majesty is a peacemaker and works to achieve peace worldwide”.

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