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Kaushik Basu
By Kaushik Basu - Mar 28,2019
NEW DELHI — When wealthy people espouse left-wing causes, such as redistribution of wealth, those on the right often label them hypocrites.
By Kaushik Basu - Jan 09,2019
KOLKATA — At the end of this year of political trauma and conflict, I found myself feeling an unexpected sense of hope, sitting in Mumbai, where I could see the Arabian Sea stretching westward toward the Gulf of Aden and Africa, as well as the vast Indian subcontinent extending e
By Kaushik Basu - Oct 27,2018
NEW YORK — At the British Labour Party’s annual conference in Liverpool this month, the shadow chancellor of the exchequer, John McDonnell, proposed a profit-sharing scheme that would grant workers equity in the firms where they are employed.
By Kaushik Basu - Jul 30,2018
MUMBAI — One major impetus behind US President Donald Trump’s protectionist policies is his belief that China has artificially weakened its currency in order to dump goods in the United States. Trump harped on this issue often during his presidential campaign.
By Kaushik Basu - Jul 12,2018
NEW YORK — “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times,” said President Xi Jinping, quoting Charles Dickens’ famous line to open his speech at the 2017 World Economic Forum.
By Kaushik Basu - May 06,2018
NEW YORK — Bangladesh has become one of Asia’s most remarkable and unexpected success stories in recent years. Once one of the poorest regions of Pakistan, Bangladesh remained an economic basket case, wracked by poverty and famine, for many years after independence in 1971.
By Kaushik Basu - Apr 01,2018
NEW YORK — Around the world, the effects of alarmingly high economic inequality are spilling over into politics and society.
By Kaushik Basu - Mar 21,2018
NEW YORK — The World Bank’s annual Doing Business (DB) report is probably its most-cited publication.
By Kaushik Basu - Oct 01,2017
Not long ago, India was a poster child for political stability and economic growth among emerging economies.
By Kaushik Basu - Jun 13,2017
Fox Business has gleefully reported that former US president Barack Obama will accept $400,000 from the Wall Street investment firm Cantor Fitzgerald to speak at a health-care conference this September.Those most disappointed by this news include people who I hold in high regard.