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The culture of tension

Jan 17,2019 - Last updated at Jan 17,2019

Many of us, in the upper administration level of various organisations, bodies and institutions of all types, often try to keep tension at work under the surface. And most top-of-the-line administrators tend to be refined people who discern sound conduct, rather than explode and tread heavily around when they are disturbed. Generally, they are trained to keep their fizzy disturbances and annoyance inside.

But mostly, our tension comes out in a number of passive aggressive ways, including procrastination, gossip and general disheartenment with the people we have conflicts or misunderstandings with. Tension such as this can certainly create unpleasant work atmospheres and can cause critical administrative subjects concern when we take our tension out and put it on those around us.

In any situation, unsettled tension is problematic. It can persist for a very long time, until someone passes away or leaves the place for good. Tension can remain with us so long because we often tend to be reluctant to deal with it ahead of time, because most of us are not morally prepared to do so. From time to time, then, people can have issues with other people anywhere, and, for that, many of us can be somebody's issue. 

The mature among us keep work, including other types, tensions inside them because they are keen to appear more proficient, calm and sensible in front of others. They avoid dealing with conflicts when they happen because they are afraid conflicts will damage the way they are looked at and, even worse, that such conflicts could have crucially bad effects on their careers or personal repute.

Without doubt, tension can devastate plural productivity. This is why, each and every one of us needs to take the first step towards rationally dealing with the issue. Not only that, we need to have the intention in our minds, advocating for an educated position and exploring how to deal with this productivity killer!

More than anything else, tense, nerve-racking, nail-biting, edgy relationships are holding us back. Before we consider a new communication tool, we need to fulsomely address the issue in question culturally, socially and psychologically.

We all need to partake in confronting this sophisticated issue without browbeating, demeaning or intimidating the people we have conflicts with. It takes tolerance and courage to try to do something about it without causing additional harm and tension to others and ourselves.

Good people can always be in a position to exhibit their leadership and dedication to the community by fully addressing the prevailing problem, showing a deep will to make our lives healthier and our relationships more valuable, eventually to be elevated even more in the eyes of those around us. When we become problem-solvers, rather than makers, we shall have refined skills, on top of all of other cultivated communication and problem-solving skills we may have.

In a word, a mind that is affected by stressed feelings and tension cannot think clearly and effectively. Indeed, it will not think productively, to say the least. Our, efforts, therefore, should be put together to fight this horrible, time-consuming and effort-deconstructing phenomenon to help make our institutions, organisations, establishments, bodies and society finer, brighter, fairer, sharper and tension free, it is hoped.

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