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Ian Bremmer
By Ian Bremmer - May 26,2024
NEW YORK — New US-supplied weapons and money are now on their way to Ukraine. Whether to provide additional military aid was a matter of debate for many months in the US Congress.
By Ian Bremmer - Jan 23,2016
Christine Lagarde has said she is open to serving another five-year term as managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).She should get it.The IMF has never had better leadership, and its board of directors should give her the chance to finish the work she has begun
By Ian Bremmer - May 15,2014
With escalating violence in southern and eastern Ukraine and no solution in sight, the Ukraine crisis has become the world’s most turbulent geopolitical conflict since that triggered by the terrorist attacks against the United States in 2001.
The US-led sanctions strategy