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Establishing needed, suitable public transport

Aug 02,2022 - Last updated at Aug 02,2022

Public transport is far more efficient than private cars in terms of the road space it uses up and the energy it consumes. Thus, in reality, a bus carrying 30 passengers uses approximately 3 times more road space and consumesextra energy than a car carrying only one or two passengers. Public transport also helps cities reduce traffic congestion and the overall level of pollution.

The accessibility and affordability of public transport shall be considered as the main target for the establishment of a needed and suitable public transport in Jordan. Public transport accessibility means the quality of transit and the ease with which people can access that service, while public transport affordability means people’s ability to purchase basic service and save money.

Accessible public transport comes through achieving sustainable urban public transport networks. Crucial impact areas with high population shall be identified and modern fully-integrated terminals in suburbs shall be established in order to create a complete public transport network. Thus, changes shall be considered in the public transport infrastructure and integrated public transport organisation on the area of the city of Amman, for example, in terms of the significant position of the new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project.

Sustainability of accessible public transport also needs first and foremost improvement of bus frequency and the creation of an accurate and electronic bus-timetable in terminals that can be accessed through smartphones. A good transit system is both fast and frequent. One way to achieve this is to beat congestion by creating dedicated bus lanes. Comfort and safe public transport shall also be part of sustainability of accessible public transport since they affect the passenger satisfaction significantly.

Affordable public transport, on the other hand, comes through the implementation of fare reviewing. For example, free travel for children under a certain age and people with disabilities, and a percentage discounts for public servants, students, and low-wage private sector workers shall be studied thoroughly and implemented. In addition, the use of e-tickets shall be handy, where such cards may be linked with banks who offer debit cards, credit cards or even through banks' smartphones applications. Thus, no need for issuing specific cards for transport, and in consequence, citizens life would be much easy and comfortable.

The Government shall expand our public transport network — buses, walkways, terminals, and even trains in the near future — to make public transport more convenient for individuals, and reduce the reliance on cars. Encouraging individuals to use public transport needs sustainableand safe transport networks.


Qais Ali Mahafzah is an attorney at law / Professor of Commercial Law

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