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In short, in economics

Jul 30,2022 - Last updated at Jul 30,2022

The higher the percentages of taxes and fees added to the value of products and services, the more they kill the business, investment and thus the economy in general.

Increased costs and then the prices of products and services lead to significant negative effects on the competitiveness and attractiveness of business sectors.

Although higher taxes and fees generate more revenue, they are temporary and unsustainable, and they in turn also deprive a lot of revenue in the long term, because this approach in short kills the economy.

It is as if we are trying to solve today's problems with distorted temporary solutions at the expense of tomorrow. Like giving a sedative, but its repetition or persistence causes death.

No decision maker succeeds unless they take the present and the future into consideration and ensure a balance between them. No decision maker succeeds unless they sacrifice a little of the present for the sake of the future and not the other way around.

No decision maker whose thinking is guided by absolute numbers and not by policies will succeed. Whoever prevails accounting over economics does not succeed in his decisions.

Planning begins with shaping the future and developing its vision, then moving to take corrective actions for the present in line with future orientation.

I do not know how to encourage investment with so many restrictions and obligations imposed on it. How to take facilitative measures to attract and maintain investment while at the same time the draft law includes too many articles from which many bylaws and regulations flow. I suggest that the law does not exceed four pages and focuses on general frameworks. 

Errors in analysis lead to a misunderstanding of reality and a lack of knowledge of what is needed. This leads to actions that involve more obstacles and complications, and therefore moving in the opposite direction, or at least in a different direction.

Wisdom in creating a state of balance between the aims of the public finance and the economy aims, in the short and long terms.

When the imbalance in public financial indicators and budgets worsens and becomes chronic, it is necessary here to carefully develop a long-term plan with fully committed solutions and implement them within specific time frames, so as not to be subject to hasty judgments that lack much depth and analysis.

If the approach of managing public affairs does not change, there will be no more than a series of temporary treatments for the distortions caused by previous treatments. Meaning that distortions are created and time is lost in treating them without moving from the place, and yet the situation is getting worse.

Finally, results will not change unless the approach, means and tools are changed.

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