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The need to push for binding resolutions

Dec 12,2019 - Last updated at Dec 12,2019

In the news, we read a report about the US House of Representatives passing a resolution "breaking with Trump on Israel policy".

The details tell us that the resolution backs "a two-state solution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, following initiatives from US President Donald Trump seen as heavily favouring the Jewish state".

We are also told that "the Democratic-led House voted 226 to 188, largely along party lines, for a non-binding resolution saying that only a two-state solution can both ensure" Israel's survival and the Palestinians' legitimate aspirations for their own state.

The resolution, however, is described as "non-binding" and "symbolic", which is disappointing.

It is also largely an echo of the Obama administration's position on peace between the Palestinians and Israelis, which it failed to push Israel to implement.

Nevertheless, such a resolution is welcome, as it clearly points to two things.

The first is that the notion of the two-state solution is the only workable formula acceptable to all parties genuinely concerned with peace in Palestine: The Palestinians, the Israelis, the Arab neighbours, the Europeans and the sensible, responsible Americans.

The second is that the "American" political position on peace in the Middle East is slowly shifting towards a more balanced approach, one that recognises not just the demands of one party to the conflict, as the current Trump administration is callously doing, but those of all parties concerned.

It is significant that 226 House representatives voted for the two-state solution, as opposed to 188 against.

The other point to stress is that what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is doing, with full backing and support from the current US administration, is extremely dangerous.

Both, the Israeli government and the American administration, are taking ill measures that abrogate peace agreements, violate human rights and human laws, consolidate occupation, condone land theft and destabilise the region.

The relocation of the US Embassy to Jerusalem, the annexation of the Golan Heights, the cancellation of aid to UNRWA and now talk about the annexation of the Jordan Valley, are all misguided, illegal and evil measures that only contribute to more violence, more suffering and more chaos for all involved, including the Israelis.

If left unchecked, uncurbed and unstopped, the Netanyahu government and the Trump administration will do serious damage not only to the Palestinian people, who are the immediate victims, but to all neighbours of Israel and to the Israelis themselves.

Hell may break loose, as a result of these foolish and criminal acts, and all will be harmed.

This is why all concerned with peace in our region and the world, including those sensible and law-promoting American politicians, should pull their act together to stop maniacal politics and politicians from hijacking all of us and taking peace and stability hostage, and push for, not "nonbinding", but binding resolutions.

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