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Education system in Jordan

Aug 02,2018 - Last updated at Aug 02,2018

There are two common systems applied in the education process, the first one is “spoon feeding” system; learning by repeating and memorising. And the second is to give the students the chance to explore the world by letting them using their minds to ask: How does it work? And why?

Unfortunately, we follow the old-fashioned system; spoon feeding and memorising.

This system is used in Jordan and it is applied in most of our educational institutions.

This system is not useful because, as we all know, that the brain is a pretty leaky bucket.

So you can study for an exam on some topic you are not interested in, and a week later you will forget it. Moreover, students can pass the course and get high marks and be able to have good positions after graduation, which affects negatively the job market.

Finally, in my opinion, the government should give students the chance to explore the world by letting them use their minds.


Isa Aljundi 

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