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Mahmoud Al Abed
By Mahmoud Al Abed - Jan 23,2019
What were MPs thinking when they agreed to include the water and electricity thefts in the general pardon draft law?This is a rhetorical question because the answer is too obvious: Populism at the expense of the rule of the law, the tune we have been singing over the past years.T
By Mahmoud Al Abed - Jan 02,2019
It is a fact of life that Israel would be more alarmed if Jordan achieves self-reliance than when a Jordanian minister treads, unintentionally, on its flag.We remember the image of George Bush Sr.
By Mahmoud Al Abed - Dec 26,2018
There is no better and more compelling narrative, especially on the part of authorities, than adhering to the principle of the rule of the law and justifying all measures and actions in light of the law of the land. The rule of thumb is that no argument is a strong argument,
By Mahmoud Al Abed - Dec 19,2018
In her latest press conference, Minister of State for Media Affairs and Communication Jumana Ghunaimat said that calls for constitutional monarchy only come from small-time opposition figures living abroad, warning that such calls "take Jordanian to a new level of demands" that w
By Mahmoud Al Abed - Dec 12,2018
For decades, official rhetoric has overused terms like innovation and creativity in relation to education, the preparation of the young generation for the future and linking the outcome of education with the needs of the labour market. To be fair, there are some bright spots
By Mahmoud Al Abed - Nov 28,2018
Nineteenth century British scientist Thomas Huxley once said: “Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences.
By Mahmoud Al Abed - Nov 21,2018
It is there, Prime Minister Omar Razzaz would say. In the document setting his government's priorities for 2019-2020, every item has to do, one way or another, with a social contract.
By Mahmoud Al Abed - Nov 07,2018
Sometimes it is interesting to watch how rumours are manufactured and spread and to see rumour-mongers at work.
By Mahmoud Al Abed - Oct 31,2018
An investigative report into the situation of schools in the peripherals by The Jordan Times, published this week, revealed how dire the picture is: two-shift schools, crowded classrooms, shortage of teachers, near-collapse buildings, you name it. But that is curable.
By Mahmoud Al Abed - Oct 24,2018
Jordanians were overjoyed by His Majesty King Abdullah’s decision to terminate annexes in the 1994 peace treaty with Israel, thus ending a "lease" of Jordanian lands in Baqoura and Ghumar to Israelis under a "special regime".The move was another triumph in a series of diplomatic
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