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Contributing to a unique event
May 27,2014 - Last updated at May 27,2014
With my heart still filled with joy, I wish to thank all those who worked with admirable commitment and expertise preparing the visit of Pope Francis to Jordan.
My first thought goes to His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein for his invitation to the Holy Father and for having favoured in every way the realisation of the pilgrimage of Pope Francis, also by providing the Amman International Stadium, optimally adapted to the solemn occasion.
Very special thanks go to HRH Prince Ghazi and to the protocol office of the Royal Hashemite Court, as well as to the security personnel for their exceptional service, so professional and efficient.
I thank the Jordanian government, particularly the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology and the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, along with the mayor and the entire team of the Municipality of Amman for their praiseworthy dedication.
I acknowledge with gratitude the social media, in particular the Catholic Centre for Studies and Media of the Catholic Church under the competent guidance of Reverend Father Rifat Bader who coordinated the work of more than 1,000 journalists, besides Jordan TV and NourSat TV.
I lack appropriate words of appreciation for the admirable work done by the organising committee set up by the Catholic Church. A special recognition goes to the untiring efforts of Ghada Najjar and Osama Twal, to the laudable cooperation of Caritas Jordan, to the tireless assistance of the scouts, to the commendable service of the liturgical committee and to the outstanding choir.
My gratefulness finally goes to the parish priests and to the institutions that have collaborated in different forms and various moments.
Only God knows and can reward the many who, in humble and hidden ways, with small or great gestures of generous charity and, above all, with their prayers, have made a unique and indispensable contribution to the success of this historic event.
May Lord reward you all with His abundant blessings.
Giorgio Lingua,
Vatican ambassador,
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