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Hasan Dajah
By Hasan Dajah - Oct 26,2024
Amidst the ongoing tensions and armed conflicts sweeping the region, Jordan’s Royal Diplomatic efforts led by His Majesty King Abdullah have been the focus of attention in attempts to ceasefire and achieve peace. Throughout various historical stages, Jordanian diplomacy has
By Hasan Dajah - Oct 12,2024
The tension between Iran and Israel is one of the most complex issues in the Middle East, dominating the geopolitical scene in the region for decades, due to the conflict of strategic interests between the two sides and the escalation of tensions over security issues and the Iran
By Hasan Dajah - Oct 07,2024
The Middle East region is witnessing increasing tensions against the backdrop of the conflict between Israel and Iran, which has been escalating to include mutual strikes and influential military actions.
By Hasan Dajah - Sep 23,2024
The Middle East is witnessing a continuous escalation in conflicts and tensions, as there is increasing talk about the possibility of expanding the scope of the war by Israel, whether by expanding the scope of its military operations against armed factions or by targeting other r
By Hasan Dajah - Sep 16,2024
 The ongoing events in the West Bank and the raging war in Gaza pose serious threats to Arab national security, as the effects of these crises are not limited to the Palestinian territories only, but extend to include the entire region, including Jordan and neighbouring coun
By Hasan Dajah - Sep 08,2024
The 2024 parliamentary elections in Jordan are an important test of the effectiveness of political parties and their role in public life, as these elections witness wide participation from various political and social spectrums.
By Hasan Dajah - Sep 04,2024
The Palestinian people in the occupied West Bank are witnessing renewed chapters of siege, oppression and abuse, as Israeli practices escalate daily, targeting civilians and infrastructure alike.
By Hasan Dajah - Sep 03,2024
In recent decades, the world has witnessed a radical shift in media, moving from the dominance of classic media such as newspapers and television to the emergence of digital media and social media.
By Hasan Dajah - Sep 02,2024
Jordan's position on Israeli attacks against the Palestinians has been consistent and clear for decades, combining intensive diplomatic action and strong official statements, with Jordanian humanitarian support for Palestinian efforts on the ground in various ways.Jordan, which i
By Hasan Dajah - Aug 29,2024
 With the world preoccupied with the ongoing war in Gaza, the Israeli government is exploiting this distraction to intensify its repressive campaign against Palestinians in the West Bank, where killings, arrests and the systematic destruction of infrastructure are on the ris
