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Ramzy Baroud
By Ramzy Baroud - Jun 06,2017
There is a saying that goes: “Be careful what you wish for, for you may get it.”This has been Israel’s dilemma from the very beginning.The Zionist movement, which held its first conference in Basel, Switzerland, 120 years ago, wanted Palestine, but not the Palestinians.
By Ramzy Baroud - May 30,2017
As if he had, overnight, been transformed into a master politician, US President Donald Trump’s 27-hour trip to Israel left many analysts mystified.Quoting former Israeli political adviser Mitchell Barack, The New York Times referred to Trump as the “Liberace of world leader
By Ramzy Baroud - May 23,2017
Bat-Hen Epstein Elias’s long article on Iranian Jews is interesting. Parts of it, in fact, are heart warming.
By Ramzy Baroud - May 16,2017
The Israeli Knesset (parliament) has hurriedly passed a new bill that defines Israel as the “national home of the Jewish people”.Although the association between Jewishness and Israel goes back to the foundation of the state, the new law also carries clear discriminatory elements
By Ramzy Baroud - May 09,2017
Now that the Palestinian Islamic Movement Hamas has officially changed its charter, one should not immediately assume that the decision is, in itself, an act of political maturity.Undoubtedly, Hamas’ first charter, which was released to the public in August 1988, reflected a
By Ramzy Baroud - May 02,2017
Gaza is the world’s largest open air prison. The West Bank is a prison, too, segmented into various wards, known as areas A, B and C.In fact, all Palestinians are subjected to various degrees of military restrictions.
By Ramzy Baroud - Apr 25,2017
Israel has resorted to three main strategies to suppress Palestinian calls for justice and human rights, including the right of return for refugees.One is dedicated to rewriting history; another attempts to distract from present realities altogether and a third aims at reclaiming
By Ramzy Baroud - Apr 18,2017
Back in the Middle East for a few months, I find myself astounded by the absence of strong voices of Arab intellectuals.The region that has given rise to the likes of Michel Aflaq, George Habash, Rached Al Ghannouchi, Edward Said and numerous others has marginalised its intellect
By Ramzy Baroud - Apr 11,2017
For Palestinians, 2017 is a year of significant anniversaries.While historians mark May 15 as the anniversary of the date on which Palestinians were expelled from their historic homeland in 1948, the fact is that the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians began in earnest in 1947.I
By Ramzy Baroud - Apr 04,2017
Once more, the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002 is taking centre stage.Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas insisted during his speech at the recently concluded Arab League summit, that the initiative is the only solution on the table, asserting that it will
