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Minxin Pei
By Minxin Pei - Feb 07,2019
WASHINGTON, DC — The unfolding geopolitical contest between China and the United States has been described by many as a new cold war.
By Minxin Pei - Nov 22,2018
STOCKHOLM — Over the last decade, China has taken an increasingly muscular approach to relations with east Asian countries. But in recent months, it has surprised its neighbours with a charm offensive. What changed?
By Minxin Pei - Nov 15,2018
CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA — The escalating trade feud between the United States and China is increasingly viewed as the opening campaign of a new cold war.
By Minxin Pei - Sep 10,2018
HONG KONG — When the Soviet Union imploded in 1991, the Communist Party of China (CPC) became obsessed with understanding why.
By Minxin Pei - Aug 02,2018
CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA — Politics has a nasty habit of surprising us, especially in a country like China, where there is little transparency and a lot of intrigue.
By Minxin Pei - Oct 28,2017
At the end of the six-day 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the roughly 2,200 delegates decided to add “Xi Jinping Thought on the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics” to the CPC’s constitution.
By Minxin Pei - Jul 10,2017
When US President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) this past January, many observers saw that decision as a boon for China.If so, it may not last.The conventional wisdom is based on simple economic and geopolitical logic.China has b
By Minxin Pei - Jul 01,2017
July 1 marked the 20th anniversary of the United Kingdom’s handover of Hong Kong to China, under a model called “one country, two systems”.But an unavoidable question will hang over the official commemorations: Is there really anything to celebrate?If you had asked Deng Xiaoping,
By Minxin Pei - Dec 15,2015
The abolition of China’s 35-year-old one-child policy closes one of the darkest chapters in the country’s history.In the late 1970s, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), determined to boost economic growth, decided that population control was the answer.Millions of abortions, steri
By Minxin Pei - Sep 28,2014
China has recently held a series of solemn, high-profile ceremonies, barely noticed by the outside world, in honour of the 110th anniversary of former leader Deng Xiaoping’s birth.
But, as with most political festivities in China these days, few have bothered to reflect on