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Mark Suzman
By Mark Suzman - Nov 23,2019
SEATTLE — According to the most recent tally, The Washington Post, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal publish a combined total of 1,000 stories every day.
By Mark Suzman - May 23,2019
SEATTLE — Twenty-five years ago, South Africa held its first free elections after the end of apartheid. The African National Congress won overwhelmingly, and its leader, Nelson Mandela, began to knit the country back together as its new president.
By Mark Suzman - Nov 08,2018
SEATTLE — Technology is often oversold as either a panacea for the world’s problems or an unshakeable curse inflicting disruption and displacement on the most vulnerable. But historically, neither of these characterisations is accurate.
By Mark Suzman - Sep 14,2017
A key agenda item at this year’s annual meeting of the United Nations General Assembly, under way this week, will be to assess global progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the UN’s consensus roadmap for solving the world’s biggest challenges by 2030.I was par
By Mark Suzman - Jun 08,2017
Official development assistance (ODA) helps to save lives, build more stable and safer societies and project soft power around the world.That is a point that my boss, Bill Gates, drove home recently, when he addressed the United Kingdom’s leading military and security thinkers at
By Mark Suzman - May 08,2017
US President Donald Trump’s recently released 2018 budget blueprint proposes deep cuts in US foreign aid, prompting a discussion on the role of such spending in improving the health and wellbeing of the world’s most vulnerable people.This discussion is important, because, when it