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Jose Antonio Ocampo
By Jose Antonio Ocampo - Feb 26,2025
for building consensus on global financing issues.
By Jose Antonio Ocampo - Jan 04,2024
BOGOTÁ — Latin America has come to the end of its second lost decade of development. Average annual growth hovered just below 0.9 per cent for the 2014-23 period, worse than the 1.3 per cent rate in the 1980s.
By Jose Antonio Ocampo - Dec 11,2023
BOGOTÁ — The global economic agenda has been packed in 2023. There was the United Nations High-Level Political Forum in July, dedicated to monitoring progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
By Jose Antonio Ocampo - Nov 13,2023
 BOGOTÁ — As one of the world’s most unequal regions, Latin America is desperately in need of additional revenues if it is to solve its knotty economic, social and environmental problems.
By Jose Antonio Ocampo - Aug 23,2023
BOGOTÁ – On July 27-28, Colombia hosted the first ministerial summit for sustainable, inclusive, and equitable global taxation, with the support of Brazil and Chile.
By Jose Antonio Ocampo - Dec 21,2021
NEW YORK — In any other year but this one, economic growth in Latin America would give the region’s governments reason to boast.
By Jose Antonio Ocampo - Aug 15,2021
NEW YORK — One of the COVID-19 pandemic’s many complex legacies will be a high level of public-sector debt in most countries. This reflects governments’ increased spending to tackle the crisis, as well as the collapse of tax revenues as economies imploded in 2020.
By Jose Antonio Ocampo - Apr 03,2021
NEW YORK — The G-20 has agreed on a new allocation of special drawing rights, the International Monetary Fund’s reserve asset. This is great news: I have long considered the SDR one of the most promising, yet underused instruments of international economic cooperation.
By Jose Antonio Ocampo - Feb 28,2020
NEW YORK – Argentina has just passed a critical juncture with respect to its debt.
By Jose Antonio Ocampo - Jan 04,2020
BOGOTÁ — In the 1980s, Latin America endured a debt crisis so severe that the entire decade was “lost” to poor economic performance. Since then, other economies, most notably, Japan, have endured their own “lost decades”.
