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Dani Rodrik
By Dani Rodrik - Jul 14,2018
CAMBRIDGE — Defying common sense as well as business and financial elites, US President Donald Trump seems to relish the prospect of a trade war. On July 6, his latest trade restrictions, 25 per cent tariffs on about $34 billion of Chinese imports, took effect.
By Dani Rodrik - May 13,2018
CAMBRIDGE — A high-profile United States trade delegation appears to have returned empty-handed from its mission in China. The result is hardly a surprise, given the scale and one-sided nature of the US demands.
By Dani Rodrik - Mar 12,2018
CAMBRIDGE — US President Donald Trump’s bark on trade policy has so far been far worse than his bite. But this may be changing. In January, he raised tariffs on imported washing machines and solar cells.
By Dani Rodrik - Mar 19,2017
This month the European Union will celebrate the 60th anniversary of its founding treaty, the Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community.There certainly is much to celebrate.After centuries of war, upheaval and mass killings, Europe is peaceful and democrat
By Dani Rodrik - Feb 13,2017
Last October, British Prime Minister Theresa May shocked many when she disparaged the idea of global citizenship.“If you believe you’re a citizen of the world,” she said, “you’re a citizen of nowhere.”Her statement was met with derision and alarm in the financial media and among
By Dani Rodrik - Jan 11,2017
US President-elect Donald Trump has yet to take office, but his brand of flawed industrial policy has been on full display since his surprise win in November.Within weeks of the election, Trump had already claimed a victory.Through a mix of inducements and intimidation, he prevai
By Dani Rodrik - Dec 04,2016
Global governance is the mantra of our era’s elite.The surge in cross-border flows of goods, services, capital and information produced by technological innovation and market liberalisation has made the world’s countries too interconnected, their argument goes, for any country to
By Dani Rodrik - Nov 19,2016
Are economists partly responsible for Donald Trump’s shocking victory in the US presidential election?Even if they may not have stopped Trump, economists would have had a greater impact on the public debate had they stuck closer to their discipline’s teaching, instead of siding w
By Dani Rodrik - Aug 13,2016
We seem to be living in an accelerated age of revolutionary technological breakthroughs.
By Dani Rodrik - Jul 24,2016
The global trade system faces an important turning point at the end of this year, one that was postponed when China joined the World Trade Organisation (WTO) almost 15 years ago.The United States and the European Union must decide whether they will begin to treat China as a “mark