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Aryeh Neier
By Aryeh Neier - Nov 16,2019
NEW YORK — People all over the world are resorting to mass demonstrations to express grievances and press unmet demands.
By Aryeh Neier - Jan 29,2019
NEW YORK — These are disheartening times for international human-rights advocates.
By Aryeh Neier - Sep 16,2018
NEW YORK — On September 1, Michelle Bachelet, the former president of Chile, took office as the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
By Aryeh Neier - Jul 18,2018
NEW YORK — There has been a lot of bad news lately on the human rights front. Syrian President Bashar Assad has resumed air strikes on his people, killing opposition fighters and civilians alike.
By Aryeh Neier - May 26,2018
NEW YORK — I have long defended freedom of speech for all, even those expressing the most appalling views.
By Aryeh Neier - Mar 31,2018
NEW YORK — Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte likes to talk tough and act tougher.
By Aryeh Neier - Nov 11,2017
When US President Donald Trump visits the Philippines this weekend, on the last stop of his marathon trip to Asia, he will pay respects to President Rodrigo Duterte.Since Duterte’s inauguration last year, police and affiliated death squads have summarily executed more than 8,000
By Aryeh Neier - Sep 07,2016
Since Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte took office in late June and declared a “war on drugs”, more than 1,900 people were killed — 756 by police officers and another 1,160 by “vigilantes”, according to police reports by August 24.Duterte is celebrating the killings and has v
By Aryeh Neier - May 21,2016
The announcement that US President Barack Obama’s visit to Japan later this month will include a stop in Hiroshima is welcome news.Of course, Obama will not apologise for America’s 1945 nuclear attack, which annihilated the city and instantly killed about 90,000 people (with many
By Aryeh Neier - Mar 19,2016
Human rights reports make for depressing reading.