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Palestinian hardship under Israeli occupation: A tale of suffering, hope

Oct 23,2023 - Last updated at Oct 23,2023

The Palestinian people have endured an agonising and protracted ordeal under the Israeli occupation since 1948. This occupation is characterised by dispossession, displacement, human rights abuses and economic hardships that have cultivated a profound sense of despair. To fully comprehend the Palestinian predicament, one must consider the historical context. Palestinians have grappled with dispossession and the occupation of their lands for over seven decades. The catastrophic events of 1948, known as the Nakba, led to the forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes. The Six-Day War of 1967 deepened their plight, resulting in the occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. These events have left indelible scars on Palestinian society, defined by an unyielding longing for the right to return to their lands and homes.

The Israeli occupation has severely restricted Palestinian movement, epitomised by constructing the Israeli security barriers, checkpoints and curfews. These measures have hampered the ability to commute to work or access essential services and created a pervasive atmosphere of humiliation and inconvenience. The collective experience of confinement, enforced by a maze of walls and checkpoints, has corroded any hope for a brighter future.

The relentless expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank is a formidable obstacle to peace. In a meticulous analysis, Miko Peled views these settlements as a major hindrance to establishing a viable Palestinian state. The ever-growing presence of Israeli settlers, accompanied by land confiscations, home demolitions and housing disputes, amplifies the desolation experienced by the Palestinian people. The relentless encroachment onto their lands imperils their existence.

The Palestinian territories have become a landscape of camps, prisons, security forces, informers, spies and interrogators. Human rights abuses are heartbreaking, with home demolitions, land seizures, and restrictions on civil and economic rights perpetuating a cycle of despair. The loss of homes and livelihoods is a direct assault on their very existence.

The lack of economic prospects in Gaza and the scourge of poverty have cultivated widespread frustration and despondency. Palestinian children are denied access to quality education due to limited resources, inadequate infrastructure and the occupation's constraints on movement. Additionally, access to vital healthcare services is hampered by the same restrictions, with dire consequences for the population's well-being. Denying these basic rights heightens feelings of despair and stifles opportunities for personal and societal growth.

Despite the concessions made by the Palestinian authority, the enduring political impasse between the Palestinian leadership and the Israeli government has cast a long shadow over the prospects for a peaceful resolution. With negotiations at a standstill and the dream of an independent Palestinian state remaining elusive, disillusionment and hopelessness have become defining characteristics of the collective Palestinian experience. Disregarding numerous UN resolutions and defiance of findings from various international organisations, including the International Court of Justice's ruling against the illegal construction of the wall, Israel's actions risk inflaming tensions and sowing the seeds of violence and conflict.

The ultra-fanatic Israeli government, entrenched behind a centuries-old narrative, has fuelled and incited confrontations by allowing illegal settlers to threaten Palestinians, desecrate their holy places and commit acts of violence without remorse or restraint.

The Gaza Strip has become the largest concentration camp, where residents have been confined for more than two decades with no end in sight.

The number of Palestinian political prisoners and freedom seekers detained by Israel exceeds 6,000 individuals, with some languishing in detention for over 40 years without reprieve. The plight of these prisoners cannot be ignored, and the only perceived method for securing their release is to detain Israelis, perpetuating an unfortunate cycle of escalating violence.

International commentators have noted that the media has shared exaggerated fake news and lies about alleged atrocities in the recent Gaza conflict, potentially stoking further military revenge without remorse. The international community cannot allow wars based on deep fake. It is most worrying when politicians and heads of states repeat such lies without verification. What is most disturbing is calling people human animals. We know this narrative all too well. It is a preamble to committing genocide!

There will be no peace in the Middle East without a just and comprehensive resolution, establishing the Palestinian State on the borders of the 4th of June 1967 with its capital in East Jerusalem.

What will the Israeli occupation and its allies gain from the destruction of Gaza? They can, out of brute wanton, destroy Gaza, kill Palestinian and defenseless children, and destroy schools and hospitals, but despite that, neither Palestine nor its cause will be erased from the conscience of its people and the Arabs worldwide.

 It is imperative that Israel, as an occupying force, abides by international law and international humanitarian law. The notion of self-defence does not apply to occupying forces. This madness must cease. The two-state solution remains the most viable path to end this litany of hardship, despair, and bloodshed. It is the only way to foster lasting peace and justice in the region.


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