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United for the freedom of the brave pilot

Dec 30,2014 - Last updated at Dec 30,2014

The news last Wednesday of the loss of a Jordanian military fighter plane while on mission over north Syria and the capture of its pilot by fighters of the terrorist organisation called Daesh fell on all Jordanians like a bombshell.

It is true that Jordan is part of an international coalition that was formed last summer to confront the rising wave of terror following the major advances Daesh fighters managed to accomplish in both Iraq and Syria, and therefore, once at war, casualties can be expected. The problem is that this is not a normal war.

Wars are always terrible as they only achieve their goals, when or if they do, at a very high human cost, apart from other sufferings, woes and destruction.

Nevertheless, normal wars have rules, some of which apply to prisoners of war.

This terrorist organisation with a bloody and a dreadful record of brutalising innocent hostages, including aid workers and journalists, has no rules.

If this is a major cause of shock and alarm for every Jordanian, it, simultaneously is the primary factor that unifies the country behind a twofold goal: the safe return of the brave pilot Muath Kasasbeh to his family and his country; and the continuation of the military mission until its goals are fully accomplished.

The Jordanian government seems determined not to compromise on any of those two objectives, no matter what.

Clearly, though, the two Jordanian goals are not exactly compatible. The fulfillment of one may require concession from the other. But despite the contradictory nature of the handling of the crisis, all Jordanians are absolutely united behind these two aims.

Jordan’s decision to join the war on this terrorist organisation was not a matter of choice. Obviously threatened, Jordan had to act decisively and instantly to stem the danger before it showed up right at our borders.

The primary duty of the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army is to defend the land and the people against any threat. Currently they are doing just that.

This war is going to be neither easy nor costless. There might be substantial sacrifices along the way.

While all Jordanians are aware of that, they are, at the same time, aware of what is required of any nation to stand firm in defence of its integrity, its territory, its interests and its citizens.

Only recently, Jordanians remembered with much pain, bitter resentment and anger the terrorist attacks eight years ago on three hotels in the capital, on innocent civilians celebrating a wedding or going peacefully about their normal lives.

Dozens of innocent people were killed in the ruthless and senseless attacks perpetrated that bloody night by criminals of the same ilk as those who target the country now.

The fact that Jordan remains safe, secure and politically stable in a region that suffers major turbulence and outright chaos is not a coincidence. It is the outcome of a combination of significant factors.

The wise leadership is one. The maturity and unity of the Jordanian population behind their explicit national goals is another. 

But most significant is the competence of the Jordanian armed forces and the other security apparatuses that have proved, time and again, that they are up to any challenge when it comes to the safety of the land and of the people. 

This is why Jordan is part of this war, and will remain committed to it until the danger is completely terminated, regardless of cost or sacrifice.

The safety of the brave Jordanian pilot who fell in the hands of his ruthless captors while performing a sacred and honourable duty for his country is of vital significance for every Jordanian family, and not his immediate family alone.

We all want him back safe, proud and with his head held up.

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