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Italy, Jordan celebrate 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations

Apr 15,2019 - Last updated at Apr 15,2019

In 2019, Italy and Jordan celebrate the 70th anniversary since the establishment of their diplomatic relations. Our lasting partnership is a cornerstone that encourages us to deepen our ties and bring them to even higher levels. The visit of the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella to His Majesty King Abdullah, from April 9 to April 11, and the very constructive discussion with King Abdullah represent an eloquent confirmation of our excellent relations and a fruitful opportunity to launch further initiatives.

In these decades, we have built a strategic partnership and now it is time for new ambitious goals. For Italy, Jordan is a crucial point of reference in the region. We have been advocating Jordan, its stability and resilience, in all multilateral fora, and we consider its moderation and its generosity in hosting refugees as a global public good to be supported. The award of the Lamp of Peace to King Abdullah in Assisi was the clear demonstration of His Majesty’s efforts in promoting peace and harmony. 

The Italian development cooperation supports Jordan in delivering reforms to enhance public services for better life conditions. Italy is a key partner in a number of projects focused on a few priority sectors. I would like to give some examples. Italy has just approved a sector budget support programme worth 85 million euros to implement education initiatives, with a specific emphasis on early childhood and vocational training. Italy is committed to addressing the needs of people with disabilities, and notably mental health, a sector in which we do believe to have a comparative advantage. Italy also promotes the protection of Jordan’s cultural heritage and supports sustainable tourism. We are committed to preserving Petra: Alongside the interventions aimed at preserving the Siq, on the occasion of the presidential visit, a programme agreement was signed with UNESCO to restore the Royal Palace Tomb. Moreover, a few days ago, we have launched a programme aimed at establishing a regional centre for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage in Jerash, to be set as a reference point for the whole region.

Our support to Jordan in facing the impact of the Syrian crisis includes improving access to basic services and delivering assistance to both refugees and host communities, through our collaboration with implementing partners from the civil society and international organisations. In this regard, at the last Brussels conference on “Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region”, the Italian government confirmed its commitment to sustaining the countries of the region through a 45 million euro pledge. President Mattarella visited Zaatari refugee camp as a sign of solidarity to Jordan, and on that occasion, we committed to further finance the UN Women Oasis programme to empower Syrian women hosted in the camp.

The recent visit of President Mattarella represents an opportunity also to foster our commercial and investment ties. In 2019, a comprehensive platform of events will aim at moving from a commercial cooperation to a more comprehensive economic partnership. The first step will be the Italian-Jordanian Economic Forum in Amman, organised by the Joint Italian Arab Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with Jordan Chamber of Commerce and the support of the embassy and the Italian Trade Agency in Amman. Further ways of increasing our cooperation in the agricultural field will be soon explored. The forum will be followed by a Country Presentation of Jordan in Italy, together with a mission of Jordanian entrepreneurs, who will participate in the Italian Arab Business Forum Annual Meeting in Milan, in which Jordan will be the “guest country”.

Cultural collaboration between Italy and Jordan is fruitful and multifaceted. Italy and Jordan share important perspectives in the common Mediterranean area. Our countries, rich in history and traditions lasting millennia, have inherited an impressive cultural heritage, destined to be handed down and protected for the next generations. The Italian archaeological missions are the flagship of our cultural diplomacy in Jordan. Last January’s Conference on History and Archaeology in Jordan has been hosted by Italy, in Florence, with the participation of more than 400 experts from all over the world. Last year, we have multiplied the number of scholarship for Jordanian students willing to study in Italy. A rich calendar of cultural events to be held in Jordan, and the spread of the Italian languages play a key role in enhancing common grounds for our peoples.

Italy’s commitment to Jordan will continue and be more and more developed. We have a genuine friendship and share a common Mediterranean culture. Our partnership is already impressive and will be further improved for our commons goals of stability, inclusion and growth, for the benefit of Jordan and the whole region. Let us continue working together.


The writer is ambassador of Italy to Jordan. He contributed this article to The Jordan Times

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