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Hope for a political solution to Gaza crisis

Oct 16,2023 - Last updated at Oct 16,2023

We must acknowledge that the recent tragic events in Gaza have been heart wrenching, with the loss of civilian lives that is deeply distressing, irrespective of their nationality or race. What is even more distressing is the international community's deafening silence and the biased framing of these events in Palestine by Western media over the years.

While there has been much debate about the timing of this escalation, few have delved into the root causes of this situation.

Gaza remains the largest open-air prison globally, home to over 2 million people who are effectively trapped there. Over 70 per cent of this population are refugees, tracing their displacement back to 1948.

Palestinians have endured miserable circumstances for 75 years, experiencing death, targeting, arrests, land confiscation and the desecration of holy sites, not only for Muslims but also for Christians.

The hope for a political solution to secure their rights has dwindled. Every legal avenue, such as the International Court of Justice and international commissions, has been blocked. Furthermore, international players have failed to compel Israel to abide by international law or United Nations Security Council resolutions. There is also a lack of accountability for Israel's transgressions. Given all these factors, the recent significant escalation we are witnessing is a natural consequence and reaction.

On the other hand, the legitimate Palestinian government has committed to peace for the past 30 years, starting with the signing of the Oslo Accords. They have committed to negotiations, renounced violence and adhered to international legitimacy and resolutions. In contrast, Israel was expected to respect the international community by withdrawing its occupation to the 1967 borders and ceasing the expansion of its colonial settlements. Unfortunately, none of these issues have been implemented to date.

Therefore, urgent steps are imperative to escape this dark tunnel. The first and foremost priority is an immediate ceasefire by all parties. Israel must cease its extensive punitive measures and the targeting of civilians. As an occupying power, Israel has a full responsibility, according to international law, to protect the civilians under its occupation. This crisis needs containment, and political solutions supported by the international community need to be proposed.

A fair international mediator should present political initiatives to de-escalate these events and bring all parties to the negotiation table. Israel should not underestimate the desire and rights of Palestinians for freedom, respecting their legitimate birthright of self-determination, property return and the right to establish their state on the 1967 borders, with its capital in East Jerusalem, based on a two-state solution.

In conclusion, we highly appreciate Jordan's position in this crisis, as articulated by His Majesty King Abdullah and the Jordanian people. Jordan has consistently regarded the Palestinian issue as a national priority, and this is reflected in active diplomatic efforts made by His Majesty to support and champion Palestinian rights to establish their state on their ancestral land.

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