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National performance indicators for Jordanian universities

May 18,2020 - Last updated at May 18,2020

The word university is associated with the academic goal of learning, education and knowledge.

In Jordan, the University of Jordan was established in 1962, followed by a number of public and private universities. The number of students in them is approximately 350,000 students, and the number of Tawjihi students, who are about to join universities is 150,000 students, and this constitutes 5 to 10 per cent of Jordan's population.

Universities share three goals: Learning and teaching, scientific research and community service. 

But, they differ in visions and messages, and the more a university specialises and adheres to its visions and mission, the more it approaches excellence, creativity and success.

The performance indicator is a measure of the success of organisations and activities, and it is the achievement of goals repeatedly and periodically. The most important national strategies are: combating unemployment, increasing production, acceptance of the other and respect for law.

Accordingly, the national performance indicators for Jordanian universities may be: the extent of unemployment among university graduates, the number of university graduates working in productive projects, the number of university graduates working in their field of specialisation, the number of university research projects applied in national development and the number of university initiatives in tolerance, acceptance of the other, community service and respect for the law.   

And if we want to measure that, then, it should be, for example, 20 points for each indicator, so the total will be 100 points for this proposed model, it is possible also, if needed. To increase the indicators and change the number of points for each indicator.

To calculate the first three indicators, a thousand graduates from the last five years of the university under study are randomly taken, and the following numbers are determined from the sample: those who work, in general, those who work in production projects, and those who work in their field of specialization. Each graduate is given a portion of the point.

Thus, it is calculated how many points that university scored in each of the first three indicators.

As for the last two indicators, each research and every initiative is given a point and with a maximum of 20 for each indicator.

Finally: to calculate the performance of the university: if the total score is above 60 per cent, the university is positive in the national performance standards, if the total score is from 40 per cent to 60 per cent, the university needs to improve its performance and if the total is less than 40 per cent the university is a burden on society and needs to be reviewed. 


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