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Specialised universities

May 10,2020 - Last updated at May 10,2020

In Jordan, there are about thirty universities, between public and private ones. Most of them have professional titles.

Unfortunately, there is mostly no relationship between these titles and what is taught at those universities. The majority of our universities share similarity in courses; no-compliance to their visions, messages and goals; most of their research is for the purpose of promotion; high graduate unemployment and their fiscal deficit is solved with the parallel programmes that concentrate on quantity, not quality.

From the lessons of the past and present, and to prepare for the future, we must move towards specialised universities that will address the following issues: Local development, labour market and money management.

This is achieved through: No new universities, merging similar disciplines in different universities and making centers of excellence, pushing universities to excel in specific subjects, cooperation between public and private universities with the private sector and providing generous government and private sector research grants to solve problems in health, water, agriculture, economics and management sectors.     

All of this will lead to the emergence of distinguished universities specialising in important development matters such as: agriculture and water, crisis management, technology and information technology and health sciences.

With all of this, we will have specialised, distinguished and leading universities.

As a global example of specialised universities is Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which is the first university in the world, for the seventh year in a row, it is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, US.

Its primary mission is education and research in the practical applications of science and technology, and is divided into five schools and one college containing 34 academic specialties and 53 laboratories. It plays a major role in biomedical engineering, in the development of computers, and in the navigation devices used in missiles and spacecraft. It has only 10,000 students of multiple nationalities. Its 960-member faculty members are known for their excellence, with 85 of them being awarded the Nobel Prize.

In conclusion, I hope to see soon and on the basis of the above mentioned visions, distinctions, creativity and specialisation, in addition, to the integration of universities and institutions, with cooperation and partnership with the private sector: Jordan University for Agriculture and Water, Jordan University for Crisis Management, Jordan University of Health Sciences and Jordan University of Technology.

With this, we take correct steps towards the glory of our contemporary world, by uniting efforts to solve our problems with specialisation, integration, research and application

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