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Fares Braizat
By Fares Braizat - Dec 05,2021
The contest between democracies and autocracies is gaining a new momentum with the virtual democracy summit organised by the United States and scheduled for December 9-10, 2021.
By Fares Braizat - Nov 28,2021
For the past two decades, Jordanians have been reporting very high levels of satisfaction with safety and security in their neighbourhoods and the country at large in identical percentages. In this sense, they stand out when compared to other countries in the region and beyond.
By Fares Braizat - Nov 21,2021
Despite the fact that 83 per cent of Jordanians are “very unsatisfied” with the way in which the USA handles the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, an overwhelming majority described political relations with US as very good (68 per cent) and somewhat good (26 per cent).
By Fares Braizat - Nov 03,2019
Despite the abundance of renewable energy resources in Jordan, energy prices are among the highest globally and this constitutes a significant hurdle to investors.
By Fares Braizat - Oct 26,2019
When the country’s official unemployment rate is 19 per cent, and much higher among the educated youth, with nearly half of them planning on leaving the country, it becomes really hard for any well-balanced person with a little bit of touch with reality and people’s economic marg
By Fares Braizat - Sep 28,2019
Teachers have produced a compelling “justice narrative” to frame their strike campaign.
By Fares Braizat - Jul 28,2019
The current system of political parties’ funding ensured, by design, a very low level of incentivised political competition among political parties.
By Fares Braizat - Jul 23,2019
The main goal of political reform is to achieve a parliamentary government. Practically it means the leader of the largest parliamentary bloc should form the government.
By Fares Braizat - May 20,2019
Back in February 2011, nearly three-quarters of adult Jordanians and 80 per cent of the elites’ sample supported protests that were taking place in the Arab world demanding political and economic reforms.
By Fares Braizat - Apr 29,2019
Government performance and investor confidence are at historic low levels.
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