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Richard K. Sherwin
By Richard K. Sherwin - Dec 27,2023
NEW YORK — On March 5, 2024, the people of Colorado will vote in a “primary election” to determine which candidates can compete for the US presidency in November.
By Richard K. Sherwin - Aug 16,2023
NEW YORK — In response to the federal indictment accusing Donald Trump of conspiring to overturn the 2020 US presidential election and remain in office, Trump’s lawyers and defenders argue that he was merely exercising his right to free speech under the First Amendment of the US
By Richard K. Sherwin - Jan 26,2023
NEW YORK — In 1787, Thomas Jefferson wrote that “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants”.
By Richard K. Sherwin - Oct 16,2022
NEW YORK — In 1897, the American newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst sent illustrator Frederic Remington to cover the Cuban War of Independence.
By Richard K. Sherwin - Jul 24,2022
NEW YORK — The mass shootings that regularly disrupt American life should not be viewed simply as random acts. They reflect a steady unraveling of the sovereign authority of the state.
By Richard K. Sherwin - Jul 08,2020
NEW YORK — Recent challenges to democratic institutions and processes in the United States have raised fundamental political and legal questions to which all liberal democracies must have convincing answers.
By Richard K. Sherwin - May 20,2015
The decision to abandon relative peace and prosperity for brutal war and instability may seem irrational.