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NCP holds Israel responsible for recent attacks against Jordanian field hospital in Khan Yunis

By JT - Jan 17,2024 - Last updated at Jan 17,2024

AMMAN — The National Charter Party (NCP) on Wednesday condemned the recent attacks against the special Jordanian field hospital in Khan Yunis, Southern Gaza, holding the "extremist" right-wing government and the occupation forces fully responsible for the incidents. The attacks resulted in moderate injuries to a member of the hospital staff and a Gazan citizen who was receiving treatment, and left significant material damage, according to a NCP statement. The NCP expressed its support for all that will be taken by the government in response to this blatant aggression. These reprehensible actions by the occupation and its forces will not deter Jordan from providing support at all levels to the Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem, the party said, stressing that this commitment includes the continuation of field hospital operations in Gaza and the West Bank.




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