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Jordan rejects Israeli campaign to hold Awqaf Department responsible for Al Aqsa escalations

By JT - Apr 09,2023 - Last updated at Apr 09,2023

Palestinian Muslim devotees perform an evening prayer known as 'Tarawih' outside the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem's Al Aqsa Mosque compound during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, on Saturday (AFP photo)

AMMAN — Jordan has countered an Israeli diplomatic campaign attempting to distort the nature of the situation at Al Aqsa Mosque and fallaciously holding the Awqaf Department’s administration responsible for the dangerous escalation that resulted from Israeli attacks on the holy sites, according to an official source.

The Foreign Ministry refused to receive messages that Israel attempted to communicate through third parties regarding the occurrences at Al Aqsa Mosque, the source said. 

The ministry informed the third parties that Jordan rejects Israel's attempts to distort the facts by claiming that the Awqaf Department is responsible for the tensions at Al Haram Al Sharif, the source added.

The Foreign Ministry informed the third parties that Jordan is ready to receive a direct message from Israel if it states that Israel has stopped its violations at Al Aqsa Mosque and attempts to alter the historical and legal status quo, along with ceasing its attacks on worshippers and lifting restrictions on freedom of worship, the source added.

The ministry informed the third parties that the Awqaf Department, the exclusive authority that manages all affairs of Al Haram Al Sharif as a purely Muslim place of worship, is capable of fulfilling its full role if the Israeli attacks that fuel violence and cause escalation stop, the source said.

The ministry confirmed that Israel bears full responsibility for the escalation and its consequences, and that its futile attempts to hold the Awqaf Department responsible for the situation will not succeed in masking its violations, which would result in a volatile situation.

The Foreign Ministry has intensified its efforts with regional and international contacts to mobilise an international position that halts Israeli actions, the source said.

Jordan continues to work to restore calm by exerting efforts to stop Israeli actions that hinder de-escalation, according to the source.

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