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This generation will help ‘change things around’ — Crown Prince

Prince Hussein addresses college students with a ‘go bold; dare to try’ message

By Rana Husseini - Jul 03,2018 - Last updated at Jul 03,2018

HRH Crown Prince Hussein is greeted by students at Al Hussein Bin Talal University in Maan on Monday (Photo courtesy of Royal Court)

MAAN — “Believe in yourselves; believe in your dreams… Whenever you are hesitant or reluctant, remember these words: be bold; dare to try.”

This was the message that HRH Crown Prince Hussein conveyed to students at Al Hussein Bin Talal University (AHU) during his visit to the educational facility on Monday.

“Jordan awaits your bright resolve and looks to you with pride—as do your parents—as its greatest achievements and its legacy,” the Crown Prince told cheering students.

Prince Hussein added: “I know the great challenges that have started to weigh on your shoulders even before you graduate. And I sense the conflicting emotions you are currently experiencing: a mixture of happiness, enthusiasm and anxiety”.

“For it is your turn, now, to build, and contribute to Jordan’s prosperity and progress, but in your own way, and with the tools of your age, since every generation has its own identity, opportunities and challenges,” the Prince said.

The challenges before our generation are numerous, Prince Hussein said, at a time when the region is “troubled by bloody wars whose implications continue to impact our country”.

“On the other hand, we have an economy burdened with crises. And we must not forget unemployment, a challenge facing many countries around the world and not unique to Jordan,” the Prince added.

Prince Hussein told the students that there is no magic wand to resolve all these complicated challenges.

“I am fully aware that we — you and me together — are at the very beginning of our journey. However, I also realise that we live in a world unlike anything that previous generations have witnessed,” His Royal Highness added, adding, however, that this generation “will change things around”, provided that all believe that it is a joint responsibility that should be shouldered by all stakeholders: the private and public sectors, youth institutions and the entire society.

“What we need is the space to unleash our potential without restrictions or limitations; without words like ‘it will never work’, ‘why would you bother?’, ‘this is not acceptable’, or ‘go find a real job’,” the Prince stressed in his speech.

Prince Hussein underlined a lesson he has learnt from His Majesty King Abdullah that the most sustainable traditions and principles are those that evolve to keep up with the times. Therefore, Crown Prince Hussein added: “We must nurture in our youth the values of change and renewal, not subordination; of openness, not closed-mindedness; of freedom of choice and creativity, not dependence”.

“This is what my father, His Majesty, has taught me. And my father’s guidance has been important in what he says as much as what he does not say. He has never told me ‘this is not acceptable’, and he has never made me feel that my hands are tied with ‘what must be done’…whenever I am hesitant or unsure, he urges me to ‘try’ or ‘experiment’, realising that the lessons I would learn from failure are far more valuable than success, and that choice is a responsibility. He has taught me, like he has said before, never to take ‘no’ for an answer”.

Prince Hussein also praised Maan Governorate, reminding students that it was the “city that received the vanguard of the Great Arab Revolt and witnessed major milestones in our Jordan’s history”.

“We pay tribute today to the great efforts that established and developed this academic landmark [Al Hussein Bin Talal University]. On this occasion I would like to recall the saying: ‘Maan belongs to us, and we are there for you’,” the Prince said.

Prince Hussein urged students to go after their dreams.

“Beyond this campus lies an opportunity waiting for you to create it. Go forth from this university with a burning flame and a thirst to work in this fast-paced world. Do not let stereotypes and labels define you, and do not allow barriers to stop you; overcome them. Inertia is our ultimate enemy,” Prince Hussein said.

AHU President Najib Abu Karaki also addressed the students, pointing out to the many achievements the staff and students, have accomplished locally and internationally, including winning several international awards for academic achievements.

 His Royal Highness then toured the campus and shook hands with hundreds of students who were eager to greet him in person, then checked on an exhibition that included a demonstration of innovative, creative, artistic and academic work by dozens of students at AHU.

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