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 New issue of Al Qibla reprinted

By JT - Aug 17,2016 - Last updated at Aug 17,2016

AMMAN — The Jordan Times distributes on Thursday the 34th issue of Al Qibla newspaper, the mouthpiece of the Great Arab Revolt. 

The newspaper dedicates its first page and part of the second to cover King Hussein Bin Ali’s visit to the city of Jeddah on the Read Sea and the warm welcome he received from its residents. The page is divided into two sections, the first of which included a report on the visit, while the other was more of a commentary on the significance of the development. 

The four-page paper, which stopped printing in 1924, also runs a story on the situation in Syria and the oppression its residents were subject to under the rule of the ultranationalist Union and Progress government.

The 34th issue includes at-a-glance news about developments in World War I.

The paper also focuses on news of the fledgling Kingdom of Hijaz, underlining a state of stability and prospertity among residents. Stories about pilgrimage (Hajj) to Mecca and minor pilgrimage (umra) are also featured in Al Qibla.


The distribution of the paper (1916-1924) by The Jordan Times and other local dailies is part of celebrations of the centennial of the Great Arab Revolt.

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